Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Nope...I caught things just in time. My bp was 149/95, I had chronic inflammation, and was well on my way to a type 2 dx.re you on insulin injections or a pump? Any life left in your poor pancreas?
I WISH I was an extreme case, but now days in am more the norm. WIth in 6 months, my dad and 3 of my girlfriends all got a type 2 dx. Another friend who is skinny was put on bp meds. I just KNEW I was next.
The Eades are just 2 of hundreds of doctors I get my information from. I also have my own example to go by. The time I was the unhealthiest and gained the most weight was when I was a vegetarian who avoided sugar and cut fats. While I was avoiding sugar, I was still eating plenty of rice, wheat, etc... all stuff that is just sugar in disguise.A doctor who bills his site as a 'one-stop shop for low carb living and learning' and sells product is hardly a unbiased source
Here are some of my other sources...
Freemotion, you would love the Canadian study (click the Dr. Jay Wortman link)
As for Michael Pollan, I have read some of his work and some of his ideas are very sound. One thing he doesn't seem to realize is the amount of refining and processing involved in "whole wheat". I consider it to not be food, but just another "edible foodlike substance".
He is also tilted towards a plant based diet. "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." Been there...done that. That's how I got the high blood pressure. I am now doing great on...
"Eat unprocessed foods. As much as you want without stuffing yourself. Mostly fat."
My latest article on diabetes and low carb...