Is it a special species of raspberry, or would any red raspberry plant do? could you explain a bit more about collecting ... is it just the new leaves on the tips of the plants that you pick?lwheelr said:I've used both ibuprofen, and Red Raspberry, and found that while ibuprofen CAN be made to last longer (I had to take four at a time to last 8 hours), there were serious side effects. It can be a Central Nervous System depressant in some people, and I am one of them. Sleep apnea was not a reasonable risk. So for a long time I took IB during the daytime.
The last few times I dealt with it I could not use IB at all because of Crohn's. So I used Red Raspberry and Sage instead. They were just as effective as the IB at reducing flow, though I had to take them more often. Sage is pretty rough on the intestines too though, but RR isn't, it actually helps with that.
I used Red Raspberry for many years when I had severe cramping - from my teen years, until after my fifth child, they got worse every year, radiating down my legs. Red Raspberry did really well at helping to control that, I never had to use any other pain control for it other than a heating pad while I waited for it to kick in.
Homegrown was the best - we harvested tips in the spring, dried them whole, didn't crush them until use. Quite a bit more powerful than the commercial stuff.
I have had severe periods from my very first, and am now in my 40's. And they are getting worse.
One thing that I do if the cramps get too bad is to lay down on my side and stretch out completely, even to the point of arching my back a bit. And hold it for a little while. The cramps make me want to curl up, but the stretching seems to make them less intense.