Exercise, Diet and Trying to Lose Weight...


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
I'm not really low-carb, but I am close to no sugar and definitely no white flour. I guess I am low-carb compared to the rest of America, though.

Avoid anything with the following words on the label: diet, lite, low-fat, etc.

I second most of what has already been said. One more detail, add saturated fats back into your diet. I've found, when I teach weight management groups, that this is what most people are craving when they think they are craving sugar. For many people, cravings for junk are dramatically reduced when they eliminate hydrogenated/trans fats, severely limit veg oils, and add good ol' saturated fats back into their diets.

I try to get a lot of low-glycemic veggies into our daily diet. And we follow Nourishing Traditions and the work of Dr. Price fairly closely. What I find so fascinating is that this lifestyle is perfectly compatible with a self sufficient lifestyle. And promotes vibrant health and good body weight.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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I guess I am low-carb compared to the rest of America, though.
Compared to the SAD diet (Standard American Diet) you are very low carb :D

One more detail, add saturated fats back into your diet.
YES!!! Definitely. Saturated fat is what your body uses for the brain, the stomach, intestines, linings of the lungs, etc... It is looking more and more like a lot of modern diseases are being caused by a lack of saturated fat and good, natural cholesterol.

r. For many people, cravings for junk are dramatically reduced when they eliminate hydrogenated/trans fats, severely limit veg oils, and add good ol' saturated fats back into their diets.
Not only that, inflammatory issues will fade or go away. Blood pressure will go down, the puffyness in your hands will go down, arthritis will improve, etc... The omega 6 fatty acids in veggie oils is DAMAGING and causes inflammation.

we follow Nourishing Traditions and the work of Dr. Price fairly closely. What I find so fascinating is that this lifestyle is perfectly compatible with a self sufficient lifestyle. And promotes vibrant health and good body weight.
I incorporate a lot of Weston Price info in to my low carb lifestyle. I could probably totally follow WP if I hadn't done so much damage to myself before figuring it all out.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
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USDA Zone 3b/4a
i_am2bz said:
No one has mentioned this yet, but alcohol really packs on the calories. I lost 45 lbs in the last 6 months without trying, & was afraid I was sick. After multiple medical tests (CAT scan, ultrasounds, bloodwork, etc), everything came back negative. My SIL pointed out one day that I don't drink anymore now that I telecommute. (The first thing I did when I got home from work every day was fix myself a stiff one! :/) I have to assume that's the cause, it's really the only change I've made.
Wow! Kudos. Your body will thank you for a long time to come. :)


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
I lost 10 lb without trying, but that was after starting thyroid medication. If you are really struggling to lose--and it seems like nothing changes despite you changing--consider a TSH test.

As for regular times, if I ditch the late-night snacking the weight comes off easily. I've never hit overweight yet, but I have gotten awfully close on the outer limits of healthy weight :)

My biggie is sugar. I cut out soda long ago, but if I can stay away from candy jars at work, making much dessert at home, or binging when at someone else's house, things are better. And, definitely, postponing any sugar at all until the end of the day is helpful. If I start the day with something sweet--like hot cocoa--I am definitely craving it more all day and more likely to consume a lot more of it all day.

Good luck!

urban dreamer

I wanna farm
Apr 1, 2010
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Sherwood, Arkansas
Get on the "No Soda" band wagin with me and Noobie! :D Good water, yummy water, water is good for you! I just put up a post about how fast food makes me sick now. I started adding alot of veggie in my cooking (started cooking alot more in general), started eating more organ meats, used homemade butter, I stopped drinking cow milk and avoid it if I can, use less salt, homegrown eggs, and sleep is important too. My next step is whole grain flour and the dreaded exercising part. :hide Good luck and keep us updated on your progress! I've lost a pants size in the last few months. That may not seem like much to some, but to a size 20 butt, thats alot!


Lovin' The Homestead
Mar 16, 2010
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Santa Barbara
I'm a little bit of a diet snot, because I've been there, done that. Weight watchers, USDA dictated diets, even Jenny Craig (I have never been that sick in my life! I got sick twice within a month, ugh.) I've been Vegan and Vegetarian for longer then I can remember, and am finally staying there. I have a long history of anorexia/bulimia/over exercising, and recently figured out that I am continuing those habits (eating next to nothing for weeks, then binging for weeks.) *sigh* I'm 20, its been a long road but I found my "county", the advice given here. Still trying to settle in and figure out on the diet-lifestyle street I want to live on.

I have gone high protein since coming to this forum; my body gets so cranky if I don't, and I stay much fuller/happier. I cut out soda, and crud "snacks." If its not in my fridge, its not in my body!!

The biggest key, prepare all your meals. Us/we/myself/Americans fall into "easy", the more YOU work, the better your food most likely is.

Oh also, don't count calories. if you follow this forum long enough you realize you can eat 2000+ healthy calories, or 400- bad, cruddy calories.


Frugal Homesteader
Jul 12, 2008
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SW Ontario, CANADA
Summer is over, and I'm in to lose another 20-30 lbs. I lost 30 already before the summer. I hope to have 30 gone by February. The way I did it is low carb. I used Fitday.com and tracked my food to stay within the parameters using the Eat Fat Get Thin method.--which is: carbs --10-15% of calories, protein--15-25% of calories, and fat-- 60-70% of calories. I did not count calories. All of my carbs were considered healthy carbs, (I also found out by doing this that I am gluten intolerant, and many medical issues have completely disappeared), all my fats were the healthy animal fats. I was never hungry, my health, whether it be due to the gluten free, or just the diet in general, was better than it had been in the past. I was never a carb junkie before hand, so it wasn't that hard for me to do. (kinda like how Free is now) (but now that I discovered the gluten thing, I'll never go back to wheat products) After I lose this weight, I will introduce things slowly to see how I tolerate them, but in general, losing weight, and this is the first time I have ever tried, was quite easy for me. Feeling great is a definite plus.


Power Conserver
Jul 28, 2009
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Savannah, Georgia
I agree with everyone on here about good fat, low carb. But I like to eat everything, butter, bread, potatoes, sweets, meat. I don't like diet drinks or pills or low fat anything. So for me I have to lose the weight eating anything I want but restricting how much I eat. After I lose the weight I need to know how much I can eat to maintain that weight because I was eating WAY TOO MUCH.

A little history about me. I was never overweight. I ate what I wanted and how much I wanted and didn't gain any weight. In all that time I was a stay at home mom, I had a garden, yard work and kids activities to keep me active. It's now thirty years later. The kids are raised and out on their own. I have a 40 hour a week job SITTING ON MY BUTT and I thought I could continue as always. So now I'm trying to lose 30 lbs. I need to learn how much to eat since I'm not able to be active all day.

I have tried the low carb diet. It worked to get off the weight but I was hungry for carbs. The website LiveStrong.com has helped me a lot. I have lost a total of 6 lbs. since Sept. 29, 2010. I don't feel hungry or deprived. I can make choices about what I eat and not feel guilty. I feel more in control of making my own decisions instead of following a diet.

I think it's great that you all can find a way to a healthier you and feeling better about yourselves. Keep posting. I enjoy reading about your progress. And it inspires me to keep on track.


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 1, 2010
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I had a gall bladder removal, according to doc. because of the diet pepsi drinking i did.

Now if I touch greasy food I literally have to run to the bathroom. It's grooooosss. :sick And I love to fry food. Was raised on it.

I bought a book on how to bake and grill foods that I would of normally fried. Great change. Family misses my fried chicken, fried squash, chicken livers, etc. But its better for their health too. And besides if I dont cook it then they wont eat it. So why not get them used to healther foods.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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I had a gall bladder removal, according to doc. because of the diet pepsi drinking i did.
Your doctor is smoking something :p

The primary cause of gall bladder disease is a low fat diet.

My mom had hers out and the doc directly placed the blame on her low fat dieting while is weight watcher. I love mom's doc and I never even met the guy! LOL

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