Extreme Couponing

Team Chaos

Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 2, 2010
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I know this is an old thread, but I was searching for coupling advice on here and it came up- we're new to online coupons and I'm curious if people here use them (coupons.com and couponsuzy.com are the two I've looked at so far). Both want me to install their own custom printing program and that instantly makes me suspicious...


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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I use them ALL the time. install the coupon printer. no biggie. does nothing to your 'puter except make you able to print coupons. Go for it.
been doing it for years. definitely worth it.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I agree. It's all okay, I have printed online as well.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
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USDA Zone 3b/4a
I got malware from a coupon printer. I think it was coupons.com? Burned me for the whole internet coupon thing. And local stores have decided to not accept internet coupons.


Power Conserver
Dec 1, 2011
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I personally don't use the coupon printing sites but there are services where you can buy the coupons that are in the newspaper in multiples.for me that works as I don't have internet on my computer, just my phone. Plus in my town there are no coupons in the paper. And it helps get you to that extreme level. They have deals that you can bundle the different coupon distributors like red plum and such.what I have been looking for though is coupons from california or new York, their coupons are higher as their cost of living is so much higher than here in Oklahoma which would mean more savings!


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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my last haul was $385 retail.

I paid about $120

very close to 70% off AND MOST of those coupons were internet. I used Publix, Target, Walmart coupons printed online. my store BILO takes them all and honors them.

believe me the savings paid for my week long camping site trip to the beach.

edited to say, BILO offers fuel perks. for every $50 spent you get .5 off gas/diesel
for every 'fuel perk' deal you buy you get extra. MY fuel perks right now are $1.30 off gas/diesel per gal. up to 20 gals. OH YES diesel for the truck. HUGE savings when you 'work out the deals' on any good grocery store offers.

edited again to say 'thanks E for locking me onto those fuel perks!!!!'


Lovin' The Homestead
May 29, 2010
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Wannabefree said:
I agree. It's all okay, I have printed online as well.
All websites are not the same! I recently bit on a lessor site, and it ruined my printer and the printer software (driver) I haven't been here in a couple of days because my computer was in the shop. The tech replaced the driver software at my house 3 times. I would print one page and it would lock up again. There was malware on my hard drive that he couldn't find and remove with the tools he had with him. So one inhome visit turned into a take to the shop expense. There he found 26 copies of the malware (about the number of times I had printed coupons. The printer itself was really screwed it wouldn't print at all without the malware.
Many places that offer couponds have a feature built in so that you can only print one copy of the coupon.... The tech called me and gave me an estimate on fixing the printer and suggested a new printer would be cheaper than the labor to fix it and it was an old printer. He said I could still use the old printer for copies or even for a fax machine it just would not print from my computer. Total cost $241 for $13 worth of coupons.
A lot of the stores here have gone to 'Loyality cards' they don't offer coupons, deals are entered into their computer and are available at checkout when your card is scanned. You can print an unlimitted number of lists of the deals in your account but once you have claimed a deal it can't be used again. National brands are also making these offers all you have to do is tell them the card number so they get entered with the other deals there.
In Short I may clip a coupon now and then but I will not print them out ever again! ~gd


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 26, 2009
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no problem karen...anything to help out another couponer

ebay is a great place to buy coupons from and thats my go to for coupons. i dont buy alot of the processed foods that they put coupons out for. i find out what the new ad will be days ahead of time. if i see something that i like and its going to be on sale i head over to ebay and buy multiples or 10 or 20 of that thing. it takes about 4 days to get the coupons in the mail. i usually can find out what the new ad will be by sunday for the new wed ad. so by thursday i will have my coupons and the ad has only been out one day so the shelves usually arent cleared.

eventhough the internet printables are usually a higher amount than clipped coupons. they are also a pain. an entire sheet of paper to print one coupon was not worth it to me. plus my comp is wireless and the printer is not and laziness will not allow me to walk my comp over to the printer to plug them together.too much work. i used to print alot, then when the end of the month rolled around and it was time to get rid of all the expired coupons it seemed like i was throwing out an entire ream of paper. the internet printable are tempting but not when my ink cost 18.00 a piece. i have tried those refillable craps and thats just what they were to me, CRAP.

what store do you shop OP?????


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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lucky cause I get free white copy paper from leftovers from hubbys work. never pay for it.

ink....well I give that a 'cost of saving bigger money' in my book.

you get save 75 cents off a $1.50 item online, you can print 2 before reaching limit and they are buy one get one, and you can use 2 coupons, then you made $1.50 because they double. well worth that .02 ink cost

but I hear ya E. it has to be worth it to you to handle it. I am not a person who asks every neighbor or friend or family for their coupon inserts etc. Nor do I search them down.

everyone saves time and money and more on how they coupon. I sure agree with that. whatever works best one must follow. everyone's situation will vary :)

yes refillable were crap to me also. BOY I WISH someone would come out with a good CHEAPER COST on print cartridges. they got ya by the cahoonies on that one.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I buy a lot from Ebay too. It's is the easiest way to get coupons, and I save more doing that than buying the stupid paper. There is so little we'll use...since any product has to be MSG AND soy free...there aren't many I use coupons for to begin with.

I have never had an issue printing coupons :hu I don't print a whole lot, but never had a problem either way.

Todays haul was Bryan hot dogs, because we snack a lot on those in the summer. I got 20 x 1.50 off 2, and got 40 packs for $20. They were on sale to begin with, so I got them 50 cents a pack. Total bill was $91, but after coupons $38. I got two free Lock & Lock bread containers for free :woot

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