While I'm not one to believe in destiny, some times something happens to make you wonder. Here I am, unable to find work, having both the will and interest to relocate to a more self sustaining method of living, and what happens. Yesterday morning while drinking my morning coffee, I was reviewing job websites and checking my emails. When suddenly Fox News did a brief report on Farm-link.
Seems like every other industry the boomers that own farms are also nearing retirement age. Sadly, either their children aren't interested or have no desire to take over the family farm. So this is leaving 1000's of older farmers not knowing what to do with their farms.
So in steps Farm-link. This matches farmers with people such as myself or other's that are interested together. The farmer owner then helps teach the budding new farmer how to manage and run his farm. Ideally, the prespective new farmer would have some money to offer the retiring farmer for his property. But some of the farmers realize that not all can do this and offer a work-to-own program.
I've tried researching this, but have been unsuccessful so far. Any links to "Farm-link" appear to be dead. Anyone else hear of this program???
Seems like every other industry the boomers that own farms are also nearing retirement age. Sadly, either their children aren't interested or have no desire to take over the family farm. So this is leaving 1000's of older farmers not knowing what to do with their farms.
So in steps Farm-link. This matches farmers with people such as myself or other's that are interested together. The farmer owner then helps teach the budding new farmer how to manage and run his farm. Ideally, the prespective new farmer would have some money to offer the retiring farmer for his property. But some of the farmers realize that not all can do this and offer a work-to-own program.
I've tried researching this, but have been unsuccessful so far. Any links to "Farm-link" appear to be dead. Anyone else hear of this program???