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Out to pasture
We were looking at baby goat pictures the other day. It is hard to believe that we are going to have babies so soon.framing fowl said:Your meals always sound so delightful -fresh, simple, and full of flavor!
Can you believe Blossom is so close? Remember when you first got your goats and this seemed so far off?

Every morning SO comes in and tells me: "No babies yet". I keep telling him that there are ways to tell when birth is imminent, but he doesn't belive me

for tonight's dinner I took out 2 bags of frozen whole tomatoes (from last year). I am thinking of cooking the leftover baked chicken with the tomatoes. Removing the meat from the chicken carcass adding it back to the tomatoes, adding zucchini and basil and serving that over leftover spaghetti., Kind of like last night, but with lots more tomatoes..
I froze the left over stewed venison sausage balls. Those will be nice on a day neither of us feels like cooking.
I sat with the goats for a while. I had also picked them some corn stalks and weeds to munch on. Then I raked a bit in their pasture. The red broilers that live there liked that. Then I filled two bins with bedding and old feed (the weeds etc, that I feed them) and put them on my potato bed.
Now I am hanging out, sipping on a lemonade I made using our own lemons. It is almost wine time