You stay safe. He needs to get counseling and get on with his life. Someday he might, but until he has his head on straight, he is Toxic, so protect yourself. You're deserve to be happy. Remember that you are a capable person that made it on your own. There's also lots of people sending prayers and similar blessings your way.
Just remember, You are way more important than any stuff. As long as you can safely prepare, those tubs are a good idea. If you can store important stuff off the property, go ahead. Keep I.D. and important papers in a safe deposit box if you can. Take some of your job hunting clothes to your other house, so you know you have them if needed.
Had a good talk with DD and her room mate this afternoon. We are going to clean the garage this weekend, and they will help me move my stuff in. They are determined to make it work for me. DD had already committed to letting someone stay in the extra bedroom for a while, but they are both looking into other options. It feels so nice to have their active support.
It's a rough road ahead, but I see sunshine in the distance. I am looking forward to being me again.
Smart move. It will be good to be in your own house while you're adjusting. The memories of the place will remind you of your strength. Having people that love you nearby is good too. Let us know how things are going.
I made spaghetti with my homemade tomato sauce. I also started another pot of tomatoes reducing for more sauce. We have boxes and boxes of ripe tomatoes sitting around, and I just cannot waste all that good food and hard work getting it to this point. I also turned the tomatoes in the dehydrators. I tossed about 5 slices that were questionable, but that is not too much of a loss.
Dinner turned out real nice. We did our usual of sitting and watching tv while shelling beans.
We had to bring in all the corn and sunflower seeds too, that we had outside to dry. The fog comes in at night and everything gets damp. A lot of the corn will go to the chickens for feed. They just love the homegrown stuff, whereas they refuse to eat the stuff from the feed store.
After shelling beans for a while, I decided to give the dog a bath. She had been itching a lot lately and I thought that she might benefit from a bath. She is not too fond of baths, but I can get her to stay in the tub.
She actually seemed to appreciate it afterwards and even almost came back into the bathroom when I called her. I didn't completely think this through though. I had hoped to stop her scratching at night, since she keeps waking me up. Now I am going to get to smell a wet dog all night instead And she is licking herself dry. licklick...lick, lick...licklicklick.... Oh no, she just moved onto my pillow licklicklick...licklick...lick
FD, I have a friend who is in a similar situation. She has been married for 19 years. She said it's never really been a loving marraige. In their time together, she said they have never spent a Sunday afternoon with each other. He likes to golf.
Earlier this year, her DH had a fit of rage toward her. He explodes without cause. He literally drug her by her hair down the steps and threatened to choke her to death. She moved out. After a few weeks of counseling and meds, she went back. I begged her not to. They have 2 boys, 17 & 18. The boys are aware of some of thier dad's treatment of her, not the real physical stuff. For a while, everything was hunky-dory. Now, this man is a real upstanding man in the church, at work, and to his friends. His anger is only directed at her. Very few people know of his outbursts toward her. She does not badmouth him in any way, for fear of people thinking badly of her sons (if their dad's that way, they will be, too).
About a month ago, he had another unprovoked attack towards her. He came to where she was working and tore a piece off her vehicle trying to get to her. She threatened to call 911, but her call didn't go through. He called his oldest son, trying to get him involved. He wants the boys on his side. That backfired, and now they see why their mom left the first time. She moved in with a family member that night. The boys told her not to come back for fear of what may happen at the hands of their dad.
This is really a short story of everything she has had to endure. He still causes many emotional scars for her. He closed their joint checking account, leaving her with little. She had to get a 2nd job to pay her bills. Not 2 weeks ago, he took a vacation and now he is trying to buy a motocycle.
Please, take care of yourself. My friend has let this go on too long for fear of what others may think of her, her husband and her boys. Don't subject yourself to danger for the sake of others.