FarmerDenise's journal - full on harvest time = busy, busy, busy


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
When I packed my suitcase I still had lots of room, (I travel light), so I went out to the garden and picked little zucchinis and tomatoes and we found a bird of paradise in bloom. My mother had kidded me earlier not to bring tomatoes, ;) well I packed the empty space of my suitcase with fresh vegies and the flower. I also packed other goodies that I had dried this summer. We all had a good laugh when I opened the suitcase. Mom has already eaten 1/2 the tomatoes. I keep hearing her say "mmmm, these tomatoes are good."
She also loves bird of paradise, so I just had to bring it. She once got some in L.A. at my aunts and carried them back on the plane!!! :ep

After a grueling red-eye flight across the country, I spent yesterday barely alive. Sleeping in a nice comfortable bed with an electric blanket and a nice featherbed revived me nicely. I woke to a countryside dusted lightly in snow, very pretty. It is cold here. brrr. I was wearing shorts and a light shirt on sunday - 80, now I am wearing three layers on top and thick warm socks and a scarf around my neck. And my hands are cold as ice. We spend a good part of today running errands. It was fun. DF kept wanting to buy me everything I looked at, I had to point out that we had Walmart in California also and I was not about to schlep a set of dishes or a space heater back in the plane. :lol:

Tomorrow we plan on staying home and cooking and baking. They are predicting rain and possible snow. I'll wait for nicer weather to go walking about the place.
I am enjoying their company. I am finding that I am much more patient and more tolerant, than the last time I visited.

Mom has dsl so I won't be able to go on the computer every day, we will be taking turns ;)

I got some nice pictures today. I'll share some of my pics with you when I get back and get to use my computer. It is so beautifull here and the folks do live a rather self sufficient live. Mom makes most foods from scratch and you should see all the firewood stacked all over the place. I already offered to bring some of it closer to the house. Gotta do something to keep me occupied. ;)


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
FarmerDenise said:
I did a very simple samhain ceremony last night during the full moon. Afterwards my grandparents "visited". It was nice. They showed me some things and made me feel safe and calm. They always look after me.
I asked for peace for Bee and her mom too.
I am almost ready for my trip. I feel well prepared. I just have a few more things to do and then I can relax til I need to catch the bus for the airport.
I am so happy to be able to see my folks soon. And the place where I spent my adolescence.
Denise, you are the sweetest! :love :hugs It's working, BTW....we are finding our way and smiling again...even laughing at times.

Please have a safe and fun trip! :frow Hey, forgot to tell you.....LOVE your Rouge D' Etamps (sp?) pumpkins!!! :love Very beautiful!


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
I am having a wonderfull time. This morning I woke up to quite a bit of snow on the ground. It is beautifull, but oh so cold. I told myself , I should go for a walk today. Then I answered nooo, it's too cold out there :lol:
It is supposed to warm up in the next few days, I'll go out for a walk then. Tomorrow we are going to play tourist and go to a museum that I haven't been to. This is a small rural community and most fun things to explore are closed for the season. There are a lot of historical places and re-enactments of colonial life. But all of that gets shut down by Columbus day the latest. So I am happy to go see whatever is still available. In the process, we pass by places I spent my highschool days, swimming holes, hang-outs, friends former homes and such.
My father and I chopped up a large head of cabbage today, so my mother could make red cabbage for Sunday's dinner. She had made pastry dough so I can make an apple pie, also for Sunday's dinner. She has had a "sour braten" marinating for several days and we will have friends for dinner on Sunday.

I had mailed some things here that I could not take on the plane. So the package arrived today and I had also included more of my homegrown and dehydrated produce. My mother loved the dehydrated peppers and tomatoes. She has been making paella and one of the really neccessary ingredients is sweet red peppers. Now she won't have to plan that dish around wether or not she was able to go to the store and get a red pepper, which get to be awfully expensive in the winter anyway. She also did not get any basil out of her garden this year and she was pleased that I included some of that also.

They are probably watching the news right now. I am worried about stepson's friend who was supposed to be stationed at the Texas fort. I'll be calling SO later to find out about the young man. Hopefully he'll have heard something.
I hope everyones kids in the service are ok.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
Bee, I am glad that you and your mom are beginning to feel better.

I spent the day doing things my mom watned to get done. She wants the shrubbery that has been encroaching on her vegetable garden cut back. so after breakfast we went out to do just that. Unfortunately my father gets upset whenever she cuts anything, so we had to do it on the sly. he thinks someone it going to come through or look or take the property or something.
Well he decided to come out and help. We thought he was napping or watching tv. Oops. Fortunately I had seen him coming and hurriedly took the big pile of trimmings and put them on the brush pile. Then we made like we were just cutting the raspberry vines out. ;) he never even noticed that we had cut anything back.
He proceded to cut down some dead apple branches that my mother wanted cut. Amidst much moaning and groaning he cut about 4 branches, which I attempted to whisk away onto the brush pile. i could easily carry all 4, but he huffed and puffed and yet didn't want me to do it. He hates to work and thinks everyone else does too. I told him I would die of boredom, if he didn't let me do some work. He finally had enough and went inside to take a nap.
My mother and I went back to work. We cut back more of the undergrowth on one side of the garden, filled 4 boxes with kindling, stacked more firewood, cleaned up more fallen branches, and planted a bunch of tulips. We finally had to quit working outside, because it got too dark and our fingers started to freeze. We didn't even feel like we worked. We had fun and paced ourselves and had each other's company. When we went inside, my father was still sleeping.
My mother was happy with all the work that got done.
I told her we could do more tomorrow. It is supposed to be sunny out.
She said she loves it, when one of us does stuff around the house when we visit. She says everytime she looks at that spot, she thinks of us having done the work for her.
My father has never been much of a worker, and it is always accompanied by much moaning and groaning and huffing and puffing, oh and lots of swearing....:rolleyes:

Now I'll go and join him and watch his sitcoms on tv, because that is what he likes.


Wannabe Pioneer
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
Its so nice to read of the great times you have with your mom. I do not have those times, never have. But thats another forum of "therapy" lol ;)

I agree, when you are in good company, work flows easily. Being comfortable with each other, and working in harmony, always makes for a nice time and great memories. I'm happy for you! I worked with my BIL a few times in the hog barn, and after the first hour you'd have thought we'd been working together for years.


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
Denise it sounds like you are have a great time with your are a sweetheart to be such a help to your mom!

Any word on step son's friend?