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- #351
Out to pasture

Yesterday I decided to cook up all the old freezer meat that didn't quite seem fit for human consumption. I added some carrots and oatmeal and set it on the woodstove. I left it there overnight figuring it would slowly simmer all night. But when we checked it today it stunk to high heaven... eewwww. I put a lid on it and put the pot outside. I will toss it tomorrow. I couldn't get myself to open the pot up to throw it out today after it stunk up the house.

I also cooked up 5 lbs of fresh ground meat yesterday intending to make chili. But when I went to soak the beans they were covered in weevils, more

So I used some my homemade tomato sauce and we had spaghetti with marinara sauce for dinner last night. Tonight I had a nice big salad for dinner made with some storebought greens and lots of homegrown goodies added including the last of our tomatoes and some hardboiled eggs from our chickens. SO fixed himself a sandwhich. I think he is having his homemade chocolate chip cookies for desert