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Out to pasture
Here are some pictures of my little Butika

Awww . . . such a sweet story.FarmerDenise said:bbh, I used to have a house chicken. She was rejected by the momma hens and had been beaten up by them. So I took her into the house and nursed her. One sunny day I put her outside in a birdcage, so she could be with us and also get some nice sunshine. I had gone out back to hang up the laundry. When I finished I went to check on her and found her laying on the floor in the middle of the cage with her scalp missing. I freaked. I had been taking care of this little chick for a week, taking her everywhere with me and now this! I took her into the house. cleaned the wound and let her rest. She recovered. But ended up with a severely deformed beak. The beak got more and more deformed the older she got. I had a great vet who helped me with her. I used to take her in once a month and he would trim her beak for me for $10.00.
This chicken would sit on my shoulder. Since she couldn't eat very well she didn't grow much. Eventually I had to tube feed her. She would sit on my shoulder and watch tv with me. At about 8 o'clock pm she thought it was bedtime and would find me and get on my shoulder and talk into my ear. I think she was telling me to go to bed. It was difficult to watch tv, what with her chatter right in my ear. I would also take her everywhere with me. She would just sit on my shoulder. She came when I called her. She was always excited to see me, when I came into the house.
She would often be outside with us and if she got scared she would jump onto our back.
She died just before she was one year old. I really miss her. She was my little buddy. She was better than any dog or cat combined.