That sucks about your arthritis.
I remember my grandmother being incapacitated by it. I don't know what kind she had. But I remember her telling me, how one day she was just lying in bed in miserable pain. She decided to have a good talk with God and asked him to giver her a sign as to what to do.
All of a sudden her eyes noticed a book on the shelf and she picked it up. In it she found a way to treat her arthritis through diet. Unfortunately I don't know the title of the book, nor the name of the doctor. I know that my grandmother drank ACV religiously after that and ate nearly raw liver and took shark cartiledge and made a lot of other changes to her diet. She also had been doing yoga for years and got more into it. It really helped her and she lived a good life for many more years.
I am just pointing this out, so you might know that there are things that might help. It might just be difficult to find out, just what will help you.
I have found that bee stings really help me. Just one more reason for me to get bees again.
have you tried bee stings for the arthritis?? we're kinda new to bees and i just heard that.. it sounded nuts but i guess folks swear by it. someone was saying they have people who want to come to their hives just to be stung!
FF, how did you get diagnosed with a specific arthritis? I have yet to have mine determined as to which kind. It seems to be consistently be the same joints, though. Mine also comes and goes with the weather in my hips, knees, feet and back. In my hands, it is more with frequency of use.
Busy busy day! Don't you love when you get that many items checked off your to do list! Can't wait to see pics of the new coop. Sounds like it will help a lot of people sneak chickens into their lives! So if it's a stealth coop, do you paint it to match their existing building I'm assuming?
Tordon huh? I'm going to have to look into that. I've got suckers that keep coming out of some stumps that the previous owners let grow wild along the back fence. They're a pain because there's nothing scarier to me than getting my chainsaw stuck in chain link....