Morning FF! What a great opportunity at TSC! You get to promote your business and help educate other people, and TSC will sell stuff... win/win/win. Are you settling in with the New Year?
How fun for you!!! I think you have enough knowledge to be a more free form format. Anything that people ask you will be ready for. Structured classes are good but a lot of people just can't commit due to time restraints.
You are probably right about the regression but your pup sounds like a really good boy! I am sure he has grown quite a bit since the last pic.....would you post a new one soon?
aw he sounds like he is really trying to do his "work" for you.
Sometime when you have time to fool with it, attach his leash to your waist and just walk about doing your chores etc.
you could do a combo, sort of a drop in, ask the expert time during the chick day stuff and a set time for people to come - am thinking people coming to pick up chicks are gonna want to run home with those babies!
will they let you bring in a coop to show off? might get more orders that way if they could actually see one.