Power Conserver
When I raised rabbits, I would kill and once on the cold side (no body heat) I would feed. When I sold to other raw feeders, I had to clean them as I have found "city" folks don't like to be reminded that their meat grocery store or farm bought came from an animal.miss_thenorth said:Thanks for starting this thread. Kim--I thought I had recognized you from another forum, (poultryswap?) regarding feeding raw diets to your dogs. This is something that I am looking into also. I breed meat rabbits, raise meat chickens, and soon will be getting into quail. We also hunt. I figured, esp with the rabbits, we would have enough for the the dogs to eat. I have started doing research, but I do find the info a bit vague and therefore daunting.
I will look for the book you guys suggested. Hopefully by fall my pooches will be eating raw. so, when you prepare and animal for feeding to the dogs--you gut it and just feed them fur feather and all? You DO gut it, right?
I also feed newborn lambs/kids - I do have to do some cutting up to get the meat smell for the dogs first, otherwise my oldest will lay with it instead and guard it from the others (she does this at the farm too -protect baby till momma is found). Chickens I get from the farms are usually their meat chickens that drop dead before processing and I feed them as is, feathers all over the yard.
There are some great books out there on feeding raw. Billinghurst is the simpliest to read and grasp. I also like Natural Nutrition for Dogs & Cats by Kymythy Schultz, Reining Cats & Dogs: Good Nutrition Happy Healthy Animals by Pat McKay (she's also got a great free book on natural immunity! If you want a copy let me know and I can email it.), Holistic Guide to a Healthy Dog by Wendy Volhard and Kerry Brown (warning Wendy makes the diet more work than it really has to be), my personal favourite is Tom Lonsdales' Raw Meaty Bones: Promote Health. On the natural health side there are some good books to.
How far are you from Barrie? I don't mind lending out my books.