Okay...Update on the SoapNuts thing!!!! I am running my first washloads with using them. I have 3 loads today. DH work clothes (he is a machinist), my stuff (mostly spandex like drip dry things), and DH hankies, socks and undies. I rec'd the shipment of soapnuts the other day, and decided I should do laundry today...rain or no rain. Last time, used rainwater from barrels, no soapnuts. Went 11 days this time, before laundry day became necessary.snapshot said:Moxies! I would love to know how the soapnuts work!
Thanks for replying Dreamin- I think things just hit "critical" with the water rationing this morning. With just over 100 gal well water use this past 36 hours, I hit red silted well water coming from the tap, this morning. Bright orange. Almost made me want to crySSDreamin said:Moxies-
I have been interested in the soap nuts for some time. Good to know they work. Can you dry them out and reuse them?
We just made one of those obscene offers on a house back home and closed a few weeks ago. Have many Amish farms near there, and several Amish stores. LOVE shopping at the Amish stores! They are not overly friendly, but used to let me pick their brain about different things, once they realized I was sincere and not some crank.
Seems like you are really putting a lot of thought and effort into things: We are just beginning, but hope to kick things up a notch once we get moved and settled.
I have checked on making laundry soap with the white Zote soap- no citronella - but so far it is cost prohibitive. Use fels naptha as a pretreater all the time right now, and really like the results.
Sorry to hear about the well. I worry a great deal about that- DH says we will put in a large cistern soon, to funnel all the rain we've been getting into. Knowing our luck, it won't rain a drop after it's set upmoxies_chickennuggets said:Thanks for replying Dreamin- I think things just hit "critical" with the water rationing this morning. With just over 100 gal well water use this past 36 hours, I hit red silted well water coming from the tap, this morning. Bright orange. Almost made me want to crySSDreamin said:Moxies-
I have been interested in the soap nuts for some time. Good to know they work. Can you dry them out and reuse them?
We just made one of those obscene offers on a house back home and closed a few weeks ago. Have many Amish farms near there, and several Amish stores. LOVE shopping at the Amish stores! They are not overly friendly, but used to let me pick their brain about different things, once they realized I was sincere and not some crank.
Seems like you are really putting a lot of thought and effort into things: We are just beginning, but hope to kick things up a notch once we get moved and settled.
I have checked on making laundry soap with the white Zote soap- no citronella - but so far it is cost prohibitive. Use fels naptha as a pretreater all the time right now, and really like the results.I have been trying so hard to conserve water...but, even those efforts don't seem to be enough without any rain to replenish the well.
As far as the Soapnuts go....I really think they will be a good investment. I am not totally ready to convert to soapnuts, exclusively.....and have the yet un-opened bottle of commercial detergent in my cabinet. I bought it before I had ordered the soapnuts though. And I like that they are non-toxic...and we can use the wash/rinse waters from the laundry to hose down the chicken tractor. After that, it will be on the ground and filter back through the soil to the well...I hope. The ground is so very dry here in places. Just on our 1 acre of land. Hurricane Irene is at our doorstep, but it is not looking favorable for us to be getting any rain from it. We are 125 miles inland from Charleston SC as it is.
Soapnuts- Costwise...It will depend on how any loads I can get from the one bag of 1.1 lb. Yes, they are supposed to be removed from the little bag and dried after every load/s
or, make the 2 bags and alternate...perhaps? I will just write down my loads I get from them....before they become in-effective. The little card brochure says "5 loads per baggie of 6 nuts." But I think that depends on how dirty your clothes are...etc.
This is just an experiment for me. If Soapnuts turns out to be a good product...green, non-toxic, re-cyclable, good cleaning abilities, worth the money, hopefully cost effective.....I will switch. Right now, if I were just to use my commercial detergents...the greywater seriously needs filtered before I re-use it on anything. I don't even like the fact that it must re-filter itself back through to the well..as 1 acre is not that much ground space.
It is all a learning experience for me.....and even for fiance.