Fire Preparedness Discussion


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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Hope your recent rain did good things to bring the fire hazard level down!

I'm popping this thread up because of the conversation that AnnaRaven has recently started about Preparedness Drills.

We've recently taken part in a "seven day challenge" made up of daily "emergency" drills that was posted on foodstoragemadeeasy (dot) net and we've made a few changes and additions to how we are preparing for emergencies.

As I mentioned in the other thread, we've added food, water, and litter/pan to the kitty carrier and we have also since moved our stuff to our back door closet, because it is the door we all use--the front door is just for company. Hubs attached a 5' 1x4 to the wall by the back door and put up a bunch of hooks for all our coats (easier to get at now) and we put shelves into the closet to get all our camping stuff (formerly stored in the basement) and emergency stuff (formerly stored on the floor in the front door coat closet) organized.

So, we are getting there!

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