Sustainability Master
My personal favorite is a 22-250. It packs enough punch to bring down a deer with one shot, doesn't kick too hard and is just a great all around rifle. I still hate my ex-husband for selling mine. 

a lot less if my husband would quit "target practicing"BarredBuff said:I agree, we are learning this.the funny farm6 said:i wont list what we have either, but i do have to say that stocking up for ammo is hard when you have 5+ different types of guns. it would be much easyer if we only had to buy 3-4 typs of ammo.
How much ammunition for each would you guesstimate? I have a good ball park figure but want some more information.
I say get everything you can afford, big and small, and more ammo than you think you'll ever need (store in a very dry place).SSDreamin said:I think the K.I.S.S. method would work best - a 12 gauge, a 10-22 and a pistol. Hubster, on the other hand, thinks variety is the spice of lifeSince we can't agree, we STILL haven't decided.
Sorry Doc but I never mentioned the co2 arms and I don't remend them. When I spoke of air rifles/pistols I was thinking of the single shot jobs that you can vary the number of pumps to. As to long bows I still haven't figured out how the Native americans managed to lose this country. You can put a lot of arrows in the air while some one Is reloading a muzzle loader plus you can do plunging fire like a mortar~gddoc_gonzo said:i'm inclined to agree with ~gd on his stealth choices. the co2 pistol and rifle have come a long way from the old daisy air gun. the newer pellets available for both can inflict some serious damage. i prefer a co2 pistol for harvesting rabbits, one in the back of the head= quiet and relaxed meat. bows, long, compound,or cross; great on stealth and as long as you pay attention, bolts and arrows are easily recovered. the other plus for bows, is that you don't have the neighbors or the game warden wandering around wondering whats going on. personal carry, love the 9 mm 1 or 2 body shots is good enough till you can ease up for 1 in the head. home defence, shorty tactical shot gun, too close... refer back to the 9 mm. ahhh then there's the long range "hunting" or reaching out and touching someone.... this is dawn and i's sticking point. dawn is ex army she loves her heavy ordinance, she's more inclined to a 50 cal sniper rifle or 60 cal full auto, i'm more inclined toward the ar 15 or the ak because they are multi purpose. with an ar or an ak it's good to snipe at 300 yrds, but still easily to go 3 round or full auto. with the heavyer ordinance youre married to either one or the other. i like the ar for it's elegance of design, and available options, but they are expensive.....i like the ak for it's dependability and ease of converting,"machining" to multi burst options. and it's a lot cheaper than the ar. crap..... i hate riding the spotter scope dawn never lets me play with the 50. just kidding......
You can buy a whole lot more ammo when you only have two guns!Beekissed said:We only keep two.....a 16 gauge shotgun with slugs and shot rounds and a .22 rifle. Both are used as tools for varmints, hunting or protection, if need be. No need to complicate things. Now, if we lived where bears were more prevalent we might pack something a little heavy duty in addition to the two usual homesteader's guns.