I wasn't sure what category to put this in but I hope someone who sees it will be able to help.
A few years ago we bought some electric fencing for the goats. It worked really well for aout a year, then they figured it out and, well... So we used it for chickens for a bit, and then it broke a few times and well you know what it's like you never get round to doing everything you mean to do, there's always something more urgent to do. Anyway, I'm trying to get it back to a useable state.
(I'll add some pictures if I find my camera)
First of all there are places where the joints have been broken, that I think I can do with epoxy-paste-glue-stuff, so hopefully that's nota problem.
Then there are the broken plastic posts, the ones wrapped in the fencing. Snapped just above the metal foot. This is what I need help with. Is there a way of fixing those or am I stuck with having to buy new ones?
Also some of the posts are bent. Is it a bad idea to try and bend them back since they're plastic? And would it be possible to straighten them by heating? and if so would anyone know how?
Thanks for thinking about it. Any reply would be appreciated. Even just "you're done for, it's no good".
A few years ago we bought some electric fencing for the goats. It worked really well for aout a year, then they figured it out and, well... So we used it for chickens for a bit, and then it broke a few times and well you know what it's like you never get round to doing everything you mean to do, there's always something more urgent to do. Anyway, I'm trying to get it back to a useable state.
(I'll add some pictures if I find my camera)
First of all there are places where the joints have been broken, that I think I can do with epoxy-paste-glue-stuff, so hopefully that's nota problem.
Then there are the broken plastic posts, the ones wrapped in the fencing. Snapped just above the metal foot. This is what I need help with. Is there a way of fixing those or am I stuck with having to buy new ones?
Also some of the posts are bent. Is it a bad idea to try and bend them back since they're plastic? And would it be possible to straighten them by heating? and if so would anyone know how?
Thanks for thinking about it. Any reply would be appreciated. Even just "you're done for, it's no good".