Florezian: I found land!


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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We actually started a thread over on TheEasyGarden.com about "stealth crops". There are many edible plants that people think are just decorative. Sweet potato vines, Love Lies Bleeding Amaranth, flowering kale, etc...


Enjoys Recycling
Apr 15, 2011
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****Does anyone know what is a good substitute for parchment paper? Should I put it on tinfoil? I'm making the candied watermelon rind....****

Havn't heard of "The Easy Garden". I was wondering why there seemed to be so few gardening threads on here .... I'll have to check it out.

I'll definately look into Tom MacCubbin. That's exactly the stuff I'm interested in. I just checked out 5 or so books from the library. Also got ahold of 250 nursery pots, and put all my seeds into an Excel sheet.

Looking to get some more herb seeds, anyone have a good source?

We lost the chickees. They were just getting big, and we lost the first one to a cat. We stepped up security, and then we found dog poo in the yard. Way to big for our dog. Next day they were missing. So we think they were snatched by someone who was keeping an eye on them.

I think I'm going to look into leasing some land. SO wants goats, and I'd love to raise chicks without losing them.

The homeowners is at my parents house. I'm in the process of moving in with the SO, so we will see how this season goes with the freedom.


Enjoys Recycling
Apr 15, 2011
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Well I have two male rabbits. They were indoor pets but after seeing them romp around the yard I can't imagine keeping them as a pet in a cage.

When the garden is planted (now), they are basically in tractors (the tops of two cages, and I move them around as they graze...)
They maul each other, so they are separated...

Anyway, they've gotten free choice hay, pellets, and veggies normally. Seems like a lot of the feeds are fillers. Corn, Wheat middlings....

Any sufficient ways to feed them? They're on the skinnier side, and I'd like to see them plumper. They do run around a lot, and its hot and humid in this heat but I still think theyre too skinny.

Also I decided to try a mangala today. Sweetbay had them and I like to try new stuff, plus I figured it might be a better planting option than potato. Well it tasted like a snotty potato... I kept awaiting the nuttiness but I was surprised to taste a spice. I am so happy I only had a taste because I guess they are toxic until you cook them. Tightened my mouth up completely and was very painful. I don't think I want anything to do with the dang thing now...


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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I dont know about fattening them mine are huge as it is :p

Be careful on any fresh stuff you give them. I ve had one sick all week from eating corn staulk.......I thought I was gonna lose her.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 24, 2010
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NW Florida
Welcome! I am on the Fl Gulf Coast as well.... have been all my life.

With this heat I am not sure you can fatten up rabbits, mine won't eat except at night and then they are picky. My big boy is pretty filled out, but his cage is in a shelter. The other 2 are in a hutch under a pecan tree with most of the day in shade, the rest they have a board on the roof that makes some shade... they are both lean.
I give them weeds from the garden (lots of those this year), pear leaves, peach leaves (and twigs from each fruit tree). They get pellets and hay, and leftover raw veggie trimmings from both my house and my parents.


Enjoys Recycling
Apr 15, 2011
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Well so far so good.

I've got my next ultrasound on in a week. We're going to try and keep the gender a surprise, but it will still be a great day. SO thinks he has to wait another 2 weeks. I'm not mean, we're celebrating his birthday that day so I want it to be a great day filled with surprises. (I've also ordered an entire tray of his favorite mac and cheese at our farmer's market.)

Anyways, I went and got my raw milk:celebrate So thrilled. The drive was a bit bumpier than I had expected, but it tastes delicious and was completely worth it.

I also might have found the perfect land lease! There's a tree farm maybe 4 minutes away from my parents house. They're renting a house on the property and had mentioned extra acreage for livestock or gardening. Well I emailed back asking if they were willing to do a separate lease for just the land. (and some other things.)

The response went something along the lines of "There is a shady lot or open field, and we have irrigation and a greenhouse if needed" :drool So now I've just got to call and check it out. I'd love to get a garden and chicken coop set up.:bun I'm a bit worried about being able to juggle everything. The main woman at my job just put in her two weeks. We're heading into peak season and tranferring everything to our computer system. They're going to train me on the computers and then have me train everyone else. I wasn't expecting this at all, but hopefully everything continues to run smoothly.