Food prices June 2021


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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My hens have decided to jack up their laying. 6 yesterday, 4 today. Been getting 2 or none a day.
Mine have too...:idunno Maybe those couple extra minutes of daylight, who knows? Also, I have three mature quail hens and I'm usually getting an egg a day out of them. Oh boy, wait until the other 20 or so young hens start laying! Yikes! Grands think those tiny little eggs are so cool, lol!


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
People are worried about increasing food prices and most people have a yard. Read that as DIRT to grow even a small garden in. But that is WORK and they would rather complain. I can’t count the people I’ve tried to encourage, over the past few years, to grow a garden, only for them to whine they are tired when they get home from work. Plus they have SNAP cards……ummmm….. doesn’t that make their food FREE? :he
I have no sympathy.

For those that don’t get SNAP cards, they could augment their grocery bill by even a small garden. Yes it is work but the rewards are great. My Daddy came home from work and went straight to his garden, coming in for supper and sometimes going back outside to finish up. He fed our family of 5. He had plenty to share with neighbors.

I don’t have a garden right now due to moving and there are some ramshackledy craptastic pens and such where I want to put my garden. They are slowly coming down. I just don’t want to put a lot of work in a garden spot where I don’t want one, then move the garden where I do want it. If I don’t get that done this year, there is hope! I have two sets of new neighbors, one who wants to learn how to garden and one who already knows how. I’ve offered to take my tractor and disc to break up a garden for both. Plus I’ll help them any way I can, the family that already knows how quickly offered me extra vegetables. Community.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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People are worried about increasing food prices and most people have a yard. Read that as DIRT to grow even a small garden in. But that is WORK and they would rather complain. I can’t count the people I’ve tried to encourage, over the past few years, to grow a garden, only for them to whine they are tired when they get home from work. Plus they have SNAP cards……ummmm….. doesn’t that make their food FREE? :he
I have no sympathy.

For those that don’t get SNAP cards, they could augment their grocery bill by even a small garden. Yes it is work but the rewards are great. My Daddy came home from work and went straight to his garden, coming in for supper and sometimes going back outside to finish up. He fed our family of 5. He had plenty to share with neighbors.

I don’t have a garden right now due to moving and there are some ramshackledy craptastic pens and such where I want to put my garden. They are slowly coming down. I just don’t want to put a lot of work in a garden spot where I don’t want one, then move the garden where I do want it. If I don’t get that done this year, there is hope! I have two sets of new neighbors, one who wants to learn how to garden and one who already knows how. I’ve offered to take my tractor and disc to break up a garden for both. Plus I’ll help them any way I can, the family that already knows how quickly offered me extra vegetables. Community.
So true.. a long time ago, the first wife "adopted" a feral woman who was the sister of a supposed friend, was on all kinds of public assistance. The woman had two girls and marveled at my gardens and the food preservation. I spent weeks planning, educating, and preparing them a garden bed (postponing my personal gardens). All stuff she said they liked. They tended to the weeds once and said it was too hot. Mind you, they slept in until noon. After about a month, I finally had my stuff in order, went over first thing on a Saturday morning to reluctantly try to salvage their garden. They had mowed it off the day before, because "it was way too hard to do and I always had extra to share".

Ant and the grasshopper real life

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
I'd love to share garden time & veggies. Few want to do. 🤷 Your new neighbors need the "cultivation" of ground & mind. Such a different world from when we grew up. Today's world isn't about self help. When China or Russia blows out our power system theres gonna be a lot of hungry folks! SNAP won't help.


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Washington State
Our Food Bank throws away sooooo much food. They spend $2000 a week for a produce company to deliver what they ordered. If something looks even overripe, marred, nicked, etc, into the trash it goes.

Tuesday I brought home a 1/4 filled huge banana box filled with produce discards. We are eating our way thru most of them. The REAL discards will go into my huge compost.

I keep waiting for the Cascadia subduction zone to give way. Just WAIT until there is zero food for a couple of weeks during the aftermath. The food bank might suddenly NOT toss those less than desirable looking produce items.



Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Washington State


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Washington State
The above lady posted yesterday in our local give and receive. She was really pissed off that we gave her pork. She did offer it to others, but alot of the comments said for her to throw away the pork. "it looks freezer burned" "I wouldn't eat that junk" "if you have dogs, feed it to them"

I was yet again infuriated. So I separately posted the below, thinking that someday that ugly pork may be able to save a couple of lives during an emergency:

"Hi Battle Ground!
I'm one of dozens of volunteers at the BG food bank. Let me tell you, they try hard to be cognizant of our client's dietary preferences, within reason.

When a client tells us no pork, they pull the small box of meats off the cart, go through it and pull out pork or pork containing items. They then sub other proteins. If there is pork in the box, when they are loading your vehicle, just hand it back. Sometimes they slip up! If you get home and find it, immediately pop it back into the freezer and return it to the food bank when they are open. They always have a need for meats.

If you can't or have a strong will to not eat the delicious desserts or breads or other items on the cart, please give it back right then. Don't worry, someone will enjoy it!!

With the food bank serving ever increasing numbers of clients every month, it's important to not waste any of what you receive. They gladly take it back, in the condition that it was when they generously put the food into your vehicle. Please don't waste anything.

It's a passion for all the volunteers to be able to provide you with a variety of groceries and produce and meat. By giving back what you don't need or want, allows the volunteers and the food bank to continue to serve you, your friends and neighbors and others who are in need."

End of MY rant.

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