Sustainability Master
No I haven’t moved again. I’ve been here 2 1/2 years. Just so much to do and only me to do it. I’m lambing now, 26 lambs so far with 10 more ewes to lamb. Ordered 75 CCX chicks with nowhere to put them. So got a load of dirt yesterday to build an above rain lake pad to put a hoop coop on. Raided sheep pens for cow panel and hog panels, replaced with stretch of wire. Have 2x6’s to take apart from hurricane blowing apart a shed last year, for hoop frame. LOL I’m picking up chicks on February 19. It’s official. I’m an idiot. But I’m having a darn good time! I have orders for 50 chickens. Hoping for good lamb sales, combined with chicken sales, to put up at least poles and a roof section, towards a barn.due to moving
did you move again??? of is this the one you just put a new roof on like LY???