Frugal Vegetarian Farmer
I don't get why cheese is so darned expensive, yet I got butter for $2 a lb. this week, no limit???
When the CA canned fruit went on sale last month in my local store there was no limit either, so I had them order in several cases for me. No scurvy for us! We get fruit from our trees so very rarely (average once in 8 years) because of late frosts.
BTW - If you freeze raw sweet peppers and use them they have enough Vitamin C to keep you nice and healthy if you can get the kids and DH to eat them.
When the CA canned fruit went on sale last month in my local store there was no limit either, so I had them order in several cases for me. No scurvy for us! We get fruit from our trees so very rarely (average once in 8 years) because of late frosts.
BTW - If you freeze raw sweet peppers and use them they have enough Vitamin C to keep you nice and healthy if you can get the kids and DH to eat them.