Lovin' The Homestead
BINGO!! You hit it right on the head. My family and I went to PA this yr to visit the Amish. I found most were tourist trappers. Most do live off the grid but have there own power sources. The real Amish who practice the old ways are the ones you all really want to talk to if you can. Most of them will not. The moderates will because they want your money!!! I'm sorry but this is what it felt like down there. I was able to talk to one fella on a buggy ride for 50.00. Got a lot of interesting facts about the economics and tension in the area.Denim Deb said:Are you sure they were all Amish and not Mennonite? The Mennonites aren't as strict as the Amish. And, some of the ladies even have short hair, wear pants, jewelery and makeup! Plus, unless it's different in your area, the Amish around here don't have a church. They meet in each others home whereas the Mennonites do have a church.
Even if they are Amish, there are different orders. I don't know a lot about either the Amish or the Mennonites, just what I've picked up from reading, but from what I understand, each order follows the rules of their bishop. So, if he says it's ok for them to have a car, but they need to drive the buggy on Sunday, that's what they'll do.
Amishland is like Disneyland in IMO.