On the first link about the Top 12: They forgot to mention that red dyes can also cause massive misbehavior/aggravate ADD symptoms. I'll give my son caffeine before a drink w/ red dye in it - and b/c of the Asperger's, he wigs out on caffeine, it doesn't calm him down like stimulants do on most kids with ADD.abifae said:Bethanial, for me.. I have issues with ALL preservatives. Including salt LOL. I can handle vinegar only.
But nitrites are dangerous just in and of themselves.
Top 12 Dangerous Additives
Just fun nitrate and nitrite facts
Two site of information about additives and allergies. site 1 site 2
Two sites about migraines and nitrites... site 1 site 2
I will ALWAYS take any excuse for a long hot soakBubblingbrooks said:If you need magnesium, take a nice soak in an Epsom salt bath.
Epsom salts are pure magnesium.