For Those Unprepared, Will It Be Like This..??


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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The issue of Black Friday is very nearly what we can expect when the proverbial "SHTF" scenario occurs. This of course is the very reason many of us who work to be "SS". The discussion on the use of freezers is interesting but if the problem continues long enough, a freezer won't be useful because they depend on electricity. If you don't make your own electricity (not a cheap experience I can assure you) then you won't have much use for a freezer. You might as well just buy "dry goods" such as grains, beans, sugars, etc. and keep them DRY and COOL. Your heritage seeds are going to be of significant value but unless you live where there is a long growing season (we have less than 100 days) then you really ought to spend your money on stuff you can eat, sprout and grow all from the same source.

As for Black Friday as a phenomenon, it is IMHO an absolute outrage that our country has referred to Thanksgiving (one of our most sacred holidays for obvious reasons) to "TURKEY DAY" and forgotten the reason and meaning of Thanksgiving. They have done the same thing to Christmas starting with reving people up into a buying frenzy 1 month before Christmas. Do you notice they play nothing but Christmas music from November 28 to December 26 and promptly stop. O my, the psychology of the media. Just don't buy anything that has a label with colored ink and you will save plenty of money. Buy 50 lb. bags of beans and grains and store them NOW. The food shortage is being clearly aggravated by the world situation. Today, those grains are cheap. On Day 2, they won't be available at any price.

O, and FWIW, the best day to do shopping is AFTER Christmas, not before it. The inventory has to be scaled down to prevent tax payments on the remaining inventory.

aggieterpkatie said:
Well, it's southern compared to MD! :lol: And I'm not looking for a mob! I'll stick to "up north" then. :p
:old Please remember...Maryland is by definition in the SOUTH. Just because Marylander's had the good sense NOT to engage their state in that horrid war does NOT mean they did not have empathy with the issues of States Rights. Seems that everyone found it necessary to have their bloody battles in Maryland however, much to the chagrin of the farms whose land was forever stained with the blood of their countrymen.
If I remember right...the Mason-Dixon Line is the Northern border of Maryland; hence the source of the DEFINITION of the South!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
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Lafourche Parish, LA
i_am2bz said:
rhoda_bruce said:
I may have seen that. The footage I saw, was like you described, but then they tackled her and forced her down and took her handgun. She had done nothing wrong and had food and water and didn't want to leave home.
Wow, I missed that part! Disgusting. But, I'm very sorry to say, I'm really not all that surprized at this point.
A lot of people saw the old lady get roughed up on tv and I promise you a lot of people will shut up about their guns now, so they can hold onto them.
Yep. I'd be in that crowd. You're better off keeping your mouth shut. :/
I remember where I saw it. It is shown in its entirety on 'Never Again' by the NRA and its all about what happened in New Orleans. If it aired on tv, they would have probably doctored it up a bit.

And I have to agree with icu4dzs. If push ever comes to shove...and I think it will....we better stop being so soft and pampered and live like our great-grands did. A generator is nice to run your appliances in a pinch or for a few days, but if TSHTF, better be able to start roughing it.


On Vacation
Sep 24, 2010
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Why's turkey day such a sacred holiday. I can understand Christmas, but turkey day. It's a totally made up holiday. We celebrate giving the Indians blankets infested with small pox that eventually killed off thousand of them.

Great for the poultry industry though.

I agree about the freezers though.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Icu4dzs said:
The issue of Black Friday is very nearly what we can expect when the proverbial "SHTF" scenario occurs. This of course is the very reason many of us who work to be "SS". The discussion on the use of freezers is interesting but if the problem continues long enough, a freezer won't be useful because they depend on electricity. If you don't make your own electricity (not a cheap experience I can assure you) then you won't have much use for a freezer. You might as well just buy "dry goods" such as grains, beans, sugars, etc. and keep them DRY and COOL. Your heritage seeds are going to be of significant value but unless you live where there is a long growing season (we have less than 100 days) then you really ought to spend your money on stuff you can eat, sprout and grow all from the same source.

As for Black Friday as a phenomenon, it is IMHO an absolute outrage that our country has referred to Thanksgiving (one of our most sacred holidays for obvious reasons) to "TURKEY DAY" and forgotten the reason and meaning of Thanksgiving. They have done the same thing to Christmas starting with reving people up into a buying frenzy 1 month before Christmas. Do you notice they play nothing but Christmas music from November 28 to December 26 and promptly stop. O my, the psychology of the media. Just don't buy anything that has a label with colored ink and you will save plenty of money. Buy 50 lb. bags of beans and grains and store them NOW. The food shortage is being clearly aggravated by the world situation. Today, those grains are cheap. On Day 2, they won't be available at any price.

O, and FWIW, the best day to do shopping is AFTER Christmas, not before it. The inventory has to be scaled down to prevent tax payments on the remaining inventory.

aggieterpkatie said:
Well, it's southern compared to MD! :lol: And I'm not looking for a mob! I'll stick to "up north" then. :p
:old Please remember...Maryland is by definition in the SOUTH. Just because Marylander's had the good sense NOT to engage their state in that horrid war does NOT mean they did not have empathy with the issues of States Rights. Seems that everyone found it necessary to have their bloody battles in Maryland however, much to the chagrin of the farms whose land was forever stained with the blood of their countrymen.
If I remember right...the Mason-Dixon Line is the Northern border of Maryland; hence the source of the DEFINITION of the South!
If the Mason-Dixon Line was extended, I LIVE below it, and was born below it. It would run thru a cemetery a few miles north of me, and I've always lived south of that.


Mr. Sunshine
Sep 10, 2008
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North Arkansas
rhoda_bruce said:
I remember where I saw it. It is shown in its entirety on 'Never Again' by the NRA and its all about what happened in New Orleans. If it aired on tv, they would have probably doctored it up a bit.
Here is a link to the whole video as it was originally aired on the news. Ignore the title of the video. Whoever posted it obviously didn't pay attention to the situation.

Forced evacuation and gun confiscation

There is no flooding where she lives, she has food and water, a couple of dogs (food for them), and a handgun. It reminds me of the old "We're from the Government, and we're here to help". It's tough for me to watch without getting angry.

ETA: The NRA video is actually quite good and is factual. Here is a link to it.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 18, 2010
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I wish I knew the background of the gun confiscation video clip. If this took place in NOLA after the storm then why do the police have California emblems on their shirts? Did Louisiana ship in reinforcements from the land of fruits and nuts? If they did, then I think the citizens of NOLA should have taken up arms against the gestapo officers from some foreign state as they have absolutely no jurisdiction in NOLA. Most of the time the American citizens are such cowards.

We must always remember that the government is the enemy and the enemy is getting stronger every day.


Mr. Sunshine
Sep 10, 2008
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North Arkansas
Police departments from all over the US sent officers to assist. It was a chaotic situation and the N.O.P.D. couldn't handle it alone. I believe that they were sworn in as lawful officers within the confines of the jurisdiction. I have no problem, and in fact I am thankful for the assistance given. However, the problem arose when the Mayor's Office ordered a mandatory evacuation of the city and "authorized" the confiscation of private firearms.

There is no record of how many searches were carried out without a warrant, or the number of times police illegally confiscated private property. I personally know a family that was stopped leaving the city and had their firearms and their mother's jewelry box (with jewelry) taken. The jewelry box was "confiscated" because, without a receipt, they may have been looting. The Officers didn't bother taking the family photos and anything else of no value to them. There was never any record of their jewelry being turned in at the station and the family never saw it again.

If you were lucky enough to have the receipt or the serial numbers of the firearms you were sometimes able to get them back, but only after the NRA went to court and forced the city to return them. However, many of the firearms that were confiscated didn't make it into the police "holding room" and were never seen again. It basically amounted to "authorized" looting by the police.

The actions of the police departments involved is the reason that a lot of families and businesses never returned to rebuild.

BTW, IMAO, it isn't the Government that is the problem, it's the people (us) who have allowed the Government to grow so large and overreaching.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
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Lafourche Parish, LA
Yep. We diffinately need to be careful who we vote for and we need to be careful with how much info we give out and to who.
I tell you what; I worked my tail off today cleaning 4 chickens, with no machinery, while my daughter was in the garden breaking mustard greens, then we both went inside and worked for a long time preparing the greens for freezer and I was wondering why a can of mustard greens (which won't be as good as mine) doesn't cost 6.00 or more. What I am thinking is that if TSHTF, a lot of us on SS will be Okay, but we will have our work cut out for us and we better up security.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Boogity said:
I wish I knew the background of the gun confiscation video clip. If this took place in NOLA after the storm then why do the police have California emblems on their shirts? Did Louisiana ship in reinforcements from the land of fruits and nuts? .
:lol: I wonder if I am a Fruit of a Nut??? :hu

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