For those who like coffee: STOCK UP


Power Conserver
Apr 28, 2012
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Thanks for the heads up! I got a tip like this a couple years ago before peanut butter went ape crap...Still have about 40 pounds and have saved hundreds and hundreds of dollars on the PB alone!


Lovin' The Homestead
May 29, 2010
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Joel_BC said:
~gd said:
What is your source of info? The futures market is predicting record off year production. [Evidently like many fruits coffee cherries have a two year cycle wherr prouction is up one year and down the next] If you wonder about cherries coffee 'beans' are the seeds of a fruit commonally called 'cherries'.
Thanks for posting on this, ~gd. You're a man who likes solid foundations for statements made. ;) Yep I sure do. To be honest I was hoping to make some money [dirty Capitalist pig] by investing my vast millions in Coffee futures:lol: I beleive in research before investing [the source of my filthy fortune :lol:] I was taken aback when I found prices falling not riseing. I vowed years ago when I lost my shirt, pants and socks in futures (silver) never again!
Your source seems solid enough BUT it is mainly a human interest story. Research showed that there is NO shortage of plain old coffee but there is a shortage in "organic" 'Fsir Trade' coffee demanded by Green Yuppies. Tim Horton hasn't made it this far south yet but we are infested with Starbucks. I used to really enjoy a cup of US$0.50 never empty cup of flain black coffee in the morning while I smoled a dirty weed 'bacca not pot and read the morning paper in a family dinner. Now Dr. says no coffee and I vape an electric cigarette, local paper went to evening delivery before failing, and the family dinners were wiped out by the fast food chains. Now I can get coffee in a cardboard cup at the drive thru for only a buck. Progress is great.

My source is this:

There are other coffee-growing areas of the world, and more than one main type of coffee plant & beans. However, if we're considering the world marketplace and predicted total coffee-cherry crop & and bean production, diminished harvest in the Americas will affect supply. As is usually follows with a diminished final crop harvest, prices (wholesale and probably retail) may be predicted to be affected.

But I let people make their own judgments. I just raised the topic.


Super Self-Sufficient
Nov 21, 2011
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Western Canada
~gd said:
Your source seems solid enough BUT it is mainly a human interest story. Research showed that there is NO shortage of plain old coffee but there is a shortage in "organic" 'Fsir Trade' coffee demanded by Green Yuppies. Tim Horton hasn't made it this far south yet but we are infested with Starbucks. I used to really enjoy a cup of US$0.50 never empty cup of flain black coffee in the morning while I smoled a dirty weed 'bacca not pot and read the morning paper in a family dinner.~gd
Well, I've never been a yuppie. My wife and I do, however, like to support fair-trade sources of coffee beans. The coffee I drink is what we brew at home, 95% of the time. We buy the roasted beans and do our own grinding and the brewing. I haven't done anything like a precise economic analysis, but I'm guessing that a cup of the coffee we brew costs us maybe a third of what a comparable-size cup at Tim Horton's would cost, and maybe 25% of what a coffee at Starbucks would cost... even if we figured-in the cost of heating the water in our kitchen.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
Our preacher just got back from Honduras and said the coffee plants are dying. The people affected the most are the poor farmers that their only income is from the coffee beans they raise. Sure, coffee is raised in more places than South and Central America, we can buy coffee from around the world. But for those poor farmers, it is devastating.

I am stocking up on coffee anyway, as I have used up my stored coffee. But I will probably buy a little more.


Power Conserver
Apr 28, 2012
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Well stocking up can not hurt. The price certainly isn't ever going DOWN...I don't even drink the crap but the wife is intolerable without it. Looks like I'll be making room in the freezer for a bag of beans...Ironically we recently decided to shift our meat stores from frozen to canned...good timing huh. I'm never going to get freezer space for my ice cream.


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
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DH and I gave up drinking coffee several years ago (we both had major upper respiratory illnesses, first me, then him, and the coffee taste couldn't get through the congestion; it tasted like nothing, or maybe even worse than nothing. The tannins in tea were able to be enjoyed sooner than the coffee, and we have never gone back to coffee). I still had some cans of coffee beans left in the pantry. They were not all metal, but rather metal ends and cardboard can. They were sealed, but after awhile I thought that probably cardboard wasn't the best long term storage option. so I transferred the coffee beans into canning jars, and vacuum sealed them. We have not been drinking coffee for (at a guess) 3 or 4 years, or maybe longer, but occasionally we have guests, and I will open a jar for them. So far no one has recoiled in horror, exclaiming over the old, stale beans! :lol: Of course, I haven't tried yet with my brother, who is very particular about his coffee :rolleyes: :lol:


Lovin' The Homestead
May 29, 2010
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Joel_BC said:
~gd said:
Your source seems solid enough BUT it is mainly a human interest story. Research showed that there is NO shortage of plain old coffee but there is a shortage in "organic" 'Fsir Trade' coffee demanded by Green Yuppies. Tim Horton hasn't made it this far south yet but we are infested with Starbucks. I used to really enjoy a cup of US$0.50 never empty cup of flain black coffee in the morning while I smoled a dirty weed 'bacca not pot and read the morning paper in a family dinner.~gd
Well, I've never been a yuppie. My wife and I do, however, like to support fair-trade sources of coffee beans. The coffee I drink is what we brew at home, 95% of the time. We buy the roasted beans and do our own grinding and the brewing. I haven't done anything like a precise economic analysis, but I'm guessing that a cup of the coffee we brew costs us maybe a third of what a comparable-size cup at Tim Horton's would cost, and maybe 25% of what a coffee at Starbucks would cost... even if we figured-in the cost of heating the water in our kitchen.
Not a YUP either ORP [Old Rural Professional] or RP [Retired Person]
BTW did the term Yuppy Food Stamps ever make it to Canada? Refers to the US$20 bill Wiich is the only Bill our old ATM used to dispence.
I have 2 questions about Canada which I have been Dieing to ask. I used to live on the South side of Lake Ontario and visited Toronto often. There used to be 'strip joints' where young women would remove clothing while dancing to music. In my day topless was forbidden [wonder if that changed]
1st question do such places still exist in Canada? Back in the day they used to accept tips by allowing gentlemen to give them cash which they would tuck in their remaining clothing [never saw one with a purse] is that still done now that paper money is being taken out of circulation?
2nd question are Loonies and Toonies allowed or is there now a c$5 minimum? I would be a sight worth the cover charge to see. {USA Loonies and Toonies are slang for the coins that replaced the $1 and $2 bills in Canada and their bills are now printed on polymer not paper.
You are welcome to buy Fair Trade coffee, personally I think it is a rip off like SOME of the Organic rules. In any event if you brew at home it will not made a dent in your food budget. ~gd


Super Self-Sufficient
Nov 21, 2011
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Western Canada
~gd said:
BTW did the term Yuppy Food Stamps ever make it to Canada? Refers to the US$20 bill Wiich is the only Bill our old ATM used to dispence.
Haven't heard that before. Probably because I don't believe the Canadian welfare system has food stamps. (They may have food vouchers of some sort, not sure.)

~gd said:
I have 2 questions about Canada which I have been Dieing to ask. I used to live on the South side of Lake Ontario and visited Toronto often. There used to be 'strip joints' where young women would remove clothing while dancing to music. In my day topless was forbidden [wonder if that changed]
1st question do such places still exist in Canada? Back in the day they used to accept tips by allowing gentlemen to give them cash which they would tuck in their remaining clothing [never saw one with a purse] is that still done now that paper money is being taken out of circulation?
2nd question are Loonies and Toonies allowed or is there now a c$5 minimum? I would be a sight worth the cover charge to see. {USA Loonies and Toonies are slang for the coins that replaced the $1 and $2 bills in Canada and their bills are now printed on polymer not paper.
Boy, there are some interesting questions! Ain't that just the sort thing that tends to crop up on a web thread about coffee crops and prices?

Well, I'll tell ya, ~gd... Those sort of places tend to be located around cities and larger towns. I live about 450 miles from two large cities, one to the west, one to the east. Closer to home? Well, I'd likely have to drive about four hours to get to any such establishment... though there is a sizable town about 80 minutes from here that might have such a place, possibly.

You asked, ~gd: "In my day topless was forbidden [wonder if that changed]." I think it got unforbidden, then died out. All more or less before my time.

You'd be better off to ask someone living closer to Toronto - I'm too far out west, and way too far in the boonies!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Ok, so vacuum sealing and/or freezing. I will have to check the type of bag that our coffee comes in to find out if it is lined or just paper. We get really good coffee from a local roastery, I can't stand cheap coffee, its just gross. No amount of cream and sugar and butter will make it taste any better!!!

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