OK, I went out and took a picture in the dusk and rain of the one tha bugs me the most. It grows as a carpet and has dark green to purple-ish leaves. When it doesn't get mowed it has a spike of blue flowers if I remember right. (it gets mowed down a lot.)
The top one is ajuga.....it is a ground cover, very pretty but also invasive. I love it! Send it my way. It gets a little purple flower earlier in the spring, right?
Yes, it is sort of invasive, but it chokes out all the taller weeds! It isn't poisonous, is it? It is all over the dog kennel. It also gets very pretty purple/blue flowers when it isn't mowed...
Becca, if that top one gets small bluish purple flowers, it's 'creeping charlie' or ground ivy, not to be confused with English ivy.
The second plant is called Smartweed.
Both are medicinal.
I also love to find sites online that give the history of the plant/weed. What modern folks looking for a pristine yard fight against were the plants immigrants (our own ancestors) wouldn't leave home without. They brought these to plant in their New World gardens as food and medicine they relied on. As non-native plants, many were able to spread like crazy in the Americas. So interesting - and sad that we've lost the value and appreciation for what is right under foot.
No kidding. I wish dh would quit freaking out everytime I tell him a weed is edible! He has forbid me to feed any "weed" to anything but an animal. But at least I know if I ever need to know what they are that I do. He even complained about me sauteeing the squash and daylily blossoms. But we did it anyway.