forest ontario


Crazy Cat Lady
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
jessejames said:
hey pat what kind of chickens do you have? i have caught the bug and am always looking for hertige breeds to add to my flock. i also am in toronto every week at least once and drive alot so hour from TO cant be to far.
maybe you dont ever hatch chicks or what ever but i have been lookin for local small chicken folks and am not finding any who dont just have mutts i know there out there i just cant find them
I mostly have Speckled Sussex (not necessarily show quality, I'm trying to breed them more for usefulness, though of course they're still purty), a few other 'this and that'.

At the moment the only things I have that are looking for a new home is 2 EE cockerels (sold to me as 'Ameraucanas' but you know how it is... their sisters have not yet begun laying so I can't comment on egg color) and a very pretty Golden Campine X Sussex mutt cockerel (looks like golden campine but a big bigger and chunkier and not quite such a nitwit). I will probably be producing one last batch of Sussex chicks this summer but will keep most or all of the pullets it produces, only sussex cockerels would be looking for homes.

So, probably nothing you're interested in, but if you are, PM me :)

Fair season is coming up soon, and you can meet lots of local chicken people that way, albeit of course just chicken *showing* people.



Frugal Homesteader
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
SW Ontario, CANADA
Hey Jesse, I have a sil in Sarnia, she knows alot of ppl who are into chickens in that area. (she works at TSC) She breeds polish and silkies. What are you looking for, and I can put the bug outto try and locat you you some.

She even works with a gal who lives just outside of Forest who has chickens, (but not sure what kind)--she knows alot about them though.

I'm heading to Sarnia in about an hour. If I hear back from you, I'll mention to my sil. I also have a gf who is starting chanteclers. hers are young yet so no eggs.

And then there are fairs etc like Pat mentioned, and the Mt Forest sale on October 4, i believe. Lotsa stuff there.

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