Frugal Homesteader
Please??? an if anyone else has one to share, I would like to try them. Thanks!
What kind of chickens do you have?miss_thenorth said:Thank you! Now for the fat part, my chickens are not very fat, so I don't get alot of fat from them. I might try fiishing this batch with corn, but last year I didn't do that. So I can use bacon fat?
My feed store calls them white rocks--most ppl call them cornish cross. I raised 50 last year, my first batch this year (28 last count) will go to the processor beginning of July, and I hae 50 more coming July 7. ( I also have 9 barred rock hens, one rhode island red hen, a silkie mutt, and abarred rock rooster. 12 BR eggs in the bator, 6 more under my broody).big brown horse said:What kind of chickens do you have?miss_thenorth said:Thank you! Now for the fat part, my chickens are not very fat, so I don't get alot of fat from them. I might try fiishing this batch with corn, but last year I didn't do that. So I can use bacon fat?