Oh my goodness.....I hate the whole anal gland thing.....we had to take Maggie in to the vet and get hers expressed. My mom used to do her own dogs from time to time but there are some things I just don't wanna do!
Eeewwww! I cannot imagine and pretty sure I don't wanna.
I'm still at work at 9:38pm. Got here at 7... I'm pretty
Sure you won't share your popcorn? Never mind, I want the vodka anyways!
Oh dear, Free, the poor thing! I used to take my basset into the vets every two months or so to have those glands expressed (I just couldn't do it, Molly really didn't like it, it was easier to have the vet tech do it!). It's so painful for them! Then again, I've had dogs where it was never an issue. What kind of doggie is she?
He is an oversized miniature poodle....supposed to be around 15 lbs, but he is an "athetic and fit" (according to the vet today ) 29 lbs. I have him shaved down except for a manly moustache and beard. When people see him, they rarely know what he is. When they ask, I say he is a poodle incognito.....terrier clip.
With the raw diet, they are a little on the constipated side most of the time, which naturally expresses the anal glands. I will have my groomer, who is a vet tech, stay on top of it for me. I pay her to do all the mean stuff!
With the poodle baby needing Dr. help, I think you're entitled to all the popcorn you want today and some good chocolate. Thanks for starting this journal. People need to know how to take care of their bodies and you keep it interesting.
Monique, I had read about putting milk into a flat tray or pan so that its spread out more evenly so that more of the butterfat and cream has a better change of rising.
I had to rearrange a bunch of stuff to find room, but I tried this with a cake pan a couple days ago and I got close to the amount of cream that I would from a 10 day jar of milk - in fewer days.
I left the same contents in the cakepan to see how much more cream would rise but I think I'm going to be doing this again specificaly to get cream for butter.
Might be something for you to try and see how it works for you. Thought I'd pass it along though.
Really, Merle? Cool! What did you use to skim it? A regular spoon? Was it as easy to "feel" the cream?
I LOVE my goat butter! I had to make a rule, no using goat butter in anything you are not going to taste it in....no adding cheese to the popcorn, or using it to make an omelet.
I'm adding to the rule today, as it is so precious: Only use goat butter RAW, no cooking uses. The vitamins A and D are far to precious and rare to destroy them in any way. So buttered popcorn it is! I gotta make some biscuits tomorrow with my buttermilk, too, and slather them with butter....mmmmmmmmm!
Thanks, dragenlaurel, I appreciate a good pat on the back as much as the next person. My poodle is on my lap now...although he is MUCH too big! The extra hole in his butt is healing nicely, and he hasn't worn the lampshade or the diaper in over a day now, and I thought it would be a week. I hope to put everything back on him for a quick photo op tomorrow, if so, I will post it. It is too funny! Poor little Pooky-dog!
I used a large serving spoon. I just scraped the entire top along in rows, none of that spoon bit by bit crap. Lol. And it was heavy too. Since the spoon was so big it was hard to 'feel' the cream but I could see it, the rest of the milk looked darker compared to the pure white glamour of the cream. You know, sometimes when I'm skimming cream I really have to resist from just downing it all by the spoonful! Lol.
When I get cream out of jars I use a gravy spoon, which I'll still do, the more cream the better, right?
I do enjoy the goat milk and the things I make from it, especially the butter, which is spectatular. But our milk has a different taste from the milk we had from our Annie. Her milk was sooo delicious.
Although out of our three milkers two does are half Nubian and one pure (she only gives several cups a day because of mastitis scarring, so its only a fraction compared the the amount from Lib and Jen) the milk isn't as sweet. I'm soo looking forward to when we get Rob, Nota, Blanche and Blossom bred and milking, I'm hoping their milk will be as sweet and creamy as Annie's was. Man I miss that goat!
Yes, I hope Ginger is a wonderful milker, too. If so, I plan on keeping a doeling from both Ginger and Mya, and have four...two to milk through, and two to breed, so they will be bred every other year. At least this is the plan as of today. Who knows what it will be next week!
Hope your little, big dog gets better. I am just catching up, I too had a very sick dog last week...long story. (I have also been painting my kitchen and dining room, so I am up to my elbows in sand paper and paint...all the while nursing a sick St. Bernard.) By the way, what is your dog's name?
We have been talking about how difficult some other people (not us ss folks, but others we know) find making dinner b/c they are too busy. I just wanted to tell you what I did while I listened to class last night: I buttered and seasoned 6 bone in chicken breasts and slid them into the oven, I dropped $5's worth of pork sholder into the crock pot and filled with salsa to be eaten for today's dinner, tomorrow's lunch and leftovers, I soaked a lb worth of black beans in whey and water to cook tonight in the empty crock pot. I also steamed 2 heads of broccoli and 1/2 a cabbage! Dinner was served as soon as I got off the teleconference! (Oh I had everyone save their bones and I plopped them into a stock pot filled with filtered well water to make more broth for a big harvest party I'm having on Sat.)
I also learned so much from you about nutrition last night, that as soon as dinner was over and I sent in the kitchen cleaners, I jotted down all the notes from class that I could think of. It was the most informative nutrition class I have ever taken in my life, I have to tell you. I feel so blessed to have been in the right place at the right time. And I decided to email my mother and tell her what I learned, see if she isn't too old (@ 80) and set in her ways to change up a few things!
O.k. I can't wait to see your poor pup's "get up". Back to painting, I have guests coming over this Sat!!