Out to pasture
You have quite a bit of stuff going on. We do to. I have grown beans on sunflowers. Unfortunately the beans got too much shade and didn't grow very well.
All parts of sunflowers are edible. And it doesn't matter if it is BOSS sunflower or an ornamental type.
Garlic tips will also turn yellow, if the ground it too hot. Like when we put the chicken yard stuff in the garlic bed and it didn't age long enough before planting. Which we do on a regular basis
I am glad to hear they are doing well
All parts of sunflowers are edible. And it doesn't matter if it is BOSS sunflower or an ornamental type.
Garlic tips will also turn yellow, if the ground it too hot. Like when we put the chicken yard stuff in the garlic bed and it didn't age long enough before planting. Which we do on a regular basis

I am glad to hear they are doing well