My gals have some clumpy poo too - I'm attributing it to the fresh grass and weeds they are stealing through the fence. Stuff really started growing here over the last week.
Lucky! Joy kept me in suspense the whole 6 or so hours of school today. To come to my locker at the end of school bell and not one text from my friend who actually owns the goat. I just lease it and have an incredible bond with it! LOL
Here's a pic of her a month or so ago.
Still running around like a crazy woman, but almost feed the triplets, milk Ginger, and feed the new twins again before my bedtime....and get outa there without the triplets going insane. OK, forget that last one, that will be impossible!
The babies, just a few minutes ago:
Lotsa chrome!
Bird's eye view:
Buckling on the left with the band, brown doeling on the right.
Wanna buy her? Actually, I gotta email someone, I think she may be already sold. Someone who had second dibs on the first two doelings....I'm hoping that family will buy my next two doelings. Gonna wait a day or two (I am always paranoid about the survival of babies, but these two were doing great this morning, sucked down their bottles and looked for more) before contacting them just to be sure the babies are ready for visitors, Mya, too. Although she also was better than ever this morning, bonking poor Ginger out of the way and dragging me across the yard to the milking stand. Less than 24 hours after delivering. I'll be doing the Red Cell/B vitamin regimen all the time now.