Swiss Army Wife
I really enjoy reading your thread, Free.
Great work on finding all the free food for the pigs!
Hi free, I have read the whole thing, and keep coming back to it, and really enjoy it. I guess I don't really reply to anything even though I come on here a couple of times a day, but because I don't have my little farm yet I feel like I don't have much to contribute. But i SO love reading about all the stuff goings on, especially because the DH and I can't wait for some piggies to start hatin on of our ownfreemotion said:Everyone is so busy this time of year that a lot, like myself, read without replying and it leaves me wondering if everyone is completely bored to tears with my rambling on and on!I am trying to keep a careful record so I will know what to expect next year, too. It is fun, mostly, just not so much fun when the pigs get loose and when they tasted my legs....