Frugal kitchen tips and hints. Share!!!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 27, 2008
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North Carolina
Dixiedoodle said:
I use those small liquid soap pump bottles, add a small amount of dishwashing det. and then fill with water and leave it on the counter (hide the large bottle) and then it goes a long way when they wash their hands and it's easy for me to pump it into the sink/pot!

I also use the pump style bottles for my shampoo, conditioners, skin care products, almost everything liquid--I find I use a LOT less with these than pouring it!


I reuse the pump style bottle for hand and dishwashing soaps but I never thought about using them for shampoo . HOw do you do the conditioner? Do you delute it?

I am going to have to try that next time I have an empty one. I just refilled them all.


Enjoys Recycling
Sep 12, 2008
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I NOW buy bulk shampoo and condtioner already in the pump bottles but I used to add 1/3 bottle of water to the little pump bottles and then add my conditioners, if they were too thick..Dixie


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 11, 2008
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I had never thought of the pumps for shampoo either. What a great idea especially for my younger two boys. They seem to think you need a handfull of soap to wash their almost shaved heads! :eek: I have been taking their shampoo out of reach when they get in the bath and then "rationing" it out to them when it comes time to wash hair. Now I think I will get another pump and give that a try!

Thanks for the great idea. This is why I read and reread old threads that have been revisited. I always seem to learn something new!!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 12, 2008
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Speaking of rationing, I am just about to empty a tube of toothpaste I bought two years ago. (It expires in November anyway. LOL)

(dh) John would buy those little stand-up bottles of toothpaste and use a whole one every month or so. So, I asked him WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! And he, of course, squirts out a whole thick, long line of it on his toothbrush.

I told him, just TRY it. You only need to use a pea sized amount. If you don't like it, you can use as much toothpaste as you want. I don't care. Just try it. And he did and said, "you were right about the toothpaste. You don't need much." So, then he bought a big (7 point something ounce) tube of toothpaste that costs the same as those little bottles that are half the amount. And I don't remember the last time he bought any. It lasts forever when you only use as much as you need.

The last time I bought toothpaste (two years ago) I got a big tube of that Crest green tea mint stuff. And I really like it. It's almost gone. You can believe I'm going to squeeze out the last drop, but within a week there won't be any more in there. So, I went ahead and bought another tube and they didn't have that kind I like anymore! I got some of the lemon mint kind instead. I hope it doesn't suck. I'm really peculiar about toothpaste flavors (almost all of it makes me gag) and two years is a long time to use toothpaste you don't like! :D



Enjoys Recycling
Sep 12, 2008
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When things, that come in tubes, are down to the 'last drop' and I can't squeeze anything out.. I get a pair of scissors and cut the bottom out of the tube and squeeze it out the bottom, I use a pcs of foil over cut end.. When I can no longer squeeze it out the cut end----I slit it up the side and lay it open and wipe it clean!!! LOL :D You will be really surprise at how much lotions, toothpaste, antibotic cream etc.. is left in the tube.. Dixie


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
Cassandra--that's hilarious! When you're making things last as long as you do, I guess flavor becomes pretty important!

Dixiedoodle--I think you've just set the bar for frugality! I thought I was good for grunting, smooshing and otherwise contorting myself and the toothpaste tube to get the last bit out. Why didn't I think of cutting it open?!?


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 30, 2008
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Dickson TN
Boy, sooo much to comment on!!

I buy a huge bootle of dishsoap and fill up a small pump soap bottle that I keep on the sink. I use that for dishes, baths, handwashes. I also have a pump bottle of softsoap next to it.just in case someone wants to have smelly hands.

I don't have much freezer space right now. I don't have an individual freezer. I shop by the month/ 2 month period, so freezers are packed. I also use any leftover veggies. etc. for lunches.

I buy yeast in bulk also, I use it at least a couple of times each week if not more. It lasts in the freezer and IS so much cheaper bought that way.

I either make my own ketchup or buy it in bulk. I fill up the bottle when needed. I hadn't ever thought about freezing it.

I hadn't thought about saving veg. peels and tops etc. for broth.

A long time ago I had read about an end of the week meal that many people in the 1800's and early 1900's used to make. They called it backburner stew(or something similar) They would keep a large stockpot on the back burner and ANY leftovers went into it. At the end of the week, that was their meal. I haven't ever done that, although I thought it a good idea. I am too picky about somethings mixed.



Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 30, 2008
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Dickson TN
DH gets after me for using too much toothpaste.He uses a tiny dab, I squeeze out a strip the length of my brush. That's how I was taught, what can I say?? I have heard of people cutting the tubes open, that's just too much trouble for me. We buy in bulk at sams club. So we spend $5.00 or whatever for several tubes and it lasts us a year or two.

That was a good idea about marking the dates on your purchases. It would be a big help in figuring out how much of something you need to stock for emergency supplies. Different companies tell you how much of something you need for how many people for how long, but all families are different.

I can make a turkey last 2 weeks! I love seeing how many meals I can get out of a turkey or ham.

We are getting NO eggs right now either.

I didn't know about unwrapping store bought soaps, I will have to do that. We go through soap bars a lot quicker than we used to for some reason.

I write and one day hope to be published. I am always coming up with ideas for books that I haven't seen out there. One I have thought of for a while is a cookbook with a recipe for a main meal;let's say a roast turkey, then several recipes following that for leftover turkey. I have found that some people are just totally lost when it comes to leftovers. I on the otherhand am a master.

Heather- The dogs cleaning the highchair, I've known several people that have done that on a regular basis. I just couldn't do it.
My solution when my kids were babies was to put a shower curtain underneath the highchair. It is big enough that it covers a large area, as long as food doesn't get thrown. I also absolutely HATED to wash the highchair after a messy meal, so I would lift up the highchair(or get my ex to) and carry it AND baby together into the shower, turn it on and wash both at once! The babies always loved it and both were cleaned in no time!



Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California

That backburner soup is a good idea...except that I have the pickiest children in the world! I keep leftovers in the fridge and by the end of the week have no idea what to do with all the bits and pieces...I will have to try to use it to make soup. DH & I would probably like it.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 10, 2008
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Lake Champlain Islands
I take my bread and biscuit scraps, crusts and crumbs as well as egg shells and dry them in the oven with the pilot. Better yet, now that it is getting cold, I dry them in a foil (recycled) pan on the wood stove. Once dry, I place them in my blender with a little dry cat food and whiz. I store the mix in an old jar and add it to corn flour (masa) when I make my chickens treats. I make what I call "chicken biscuts" from the mix by adding water or expired dairy products and baking balls of the mix in the oven. The chickens love it and they get extra protein and calcium this way.

I also am saving the clear plastic cups that Dunkin Donuts serve their coolattas and iced coffees in. I will be using them to start my tomato, pepper, egg plant etc plants in come February. They will act as little green houses keeping the humidity in and magnifying the minimal sun that we get in our windows. My mom is addicted to the iced coffees and has saved me 30 of the large cups!

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