Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Little doggie there, too.
Yep, that's the little thieving beagle from next door, lol. She's a mess! My goats love peanuts too. I had a bag of shelled peanuts that didn't get finished and got a bit stale so took them out to the pigs. Pigs weren't thrilled but the goats hoovered 'em up as fast as they could.

Decided I need a creep feed area for the kids. The kids have been wanting to eat grain for awhile but they don't get more than a quick mouthful if they're lucky! Pigs and mama goats do not like to share feed. So, I tacked up some panels and made some openings that I hope are just kid sized that they can scoot through to get feed. I've got one smaller pig that I need to catch and pen up, but other than him, I don't think any of the pigs can fit in there.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
Huge score on those wood chips. Little doggie there, too.

I used to get peanut hulls and dump for goats & cattle to each. had to pen the goats before I dumped because they would run to the truck and get under the hulls coming out!! Almost buried one the first time. They ate them like candy.

There's a sheller about 1/2 mile from me -- need to ask for some again. Just not always any time for me to get there when they are shelling. We used to put a dump truck under the shute and when full, we'd go get it.

Free food....better go talk to them again. LOL

also an excellent weed seed free mulch!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Posted a Craigslist ad for selling 6 of the AGH's. I've had two folks respond and both stood me up. Grrrrr! People just aren't considerate anymore. But, I just talked with a lady who said she'll be here tomorrow. I have a good feeling about her. And, she wants them all. Whoop! I probably shouldn't celebrate until they're in her truck and heading away...

Been working for 3 or 4 days moving wood chips to go around the raised beds. All but finished with that project - thank goodness. I'll finish it up in a few minutes. Came inside to hydrate - it's dry out there. Tomorrow I need to start moving some of those chips into the garden. Lots of things are blooming and I've got my fingers crossed. It's this time of the season where everything has been coming on good - that I wait for a disaster. High wind, too much rain...something. Hope not! :fl

I want carrot cake....might just make some this evening. I'll make them in mini loaf pans so I can toss most of 'em in the freezer. It's vegetables - gotta be healthy, right?!!


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Wow! 6 gone! That is awesome! Was the lady going to slaughter or keep them as breeding stock?

Go make that carrot cake. You deserve it!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Today was a day.... whew! I spent a big portion of the day trying to figure out why my electric fence is dead. I walked the entire fence line more than once. I walked half of it taking down any leaf or vine that touched the wire. Then, with a feeling of horror, I remembered the agony of poison ivy/oak/sumac that happened the last time I touched vines on the fence. I high-tailed it back to the house and washed, and washed, and washed. Then I went back out and walked the other half of the fence line...doing the same thing. Removing vines and little branches and crap on the fence. I never found anything that I thought should have shut the fence down. And shut down it is. Absolutely NO juice going to it. So, after that I headed to the shower and scrubbed down twice with Dawn soap. I hope I chased away any issues. Oh, and I walked 10,557 steps today for a whopping total of 4.5 miles. wonder I'm tired. And the fence still isn't working. But, the riddle has finally been solved. It's the battery. We've had plenty of sunlight to keep it charged - but it's dead, dead, dead. DH hightailed it to TSC, getting there 3 minutes before it closed and wouldn't ya know it - they were out of batteries. GRRRR

The consequences of the electric being down is that Big Daddy - the boar - knows when it works. And of course all the gal pigs are in estrus and have been hanging around next to his fence torturing him. So, he solved the problem. He popped the staples out of the cattle panels and went a courting. Oh great. I just sold pigs - and now it looks like I might be getting more. I think he made whoopie with one of the sows...her hair was all mussed up on her rump. Dang - I had it all planned out to breed in a few months for October babies. But nope - August babies it is - when summer is at it's worst.

I got Big Daddy and his side kick Bubba back in the pen. (I don't think Bubba saw any action because Big Daddy simply does not allow it.) The only way to move Big Daddy is to bribe him. He is simply a boiled egg whore and will do anything for them. He walks up to me and my bowl of eggs and just looks up at me with those sweet piggy eyes. All I gotta do is say "open" and he gapes that tusk heavy mouth and waits for me to drop in an egg, lol. He is awesome and I love him! He's probably the quietest, tamest pig out there and he knows he's my fave! After about a dozen bribes he walked back home. Hope he's still in there in the morning when we can finally find a battery and get it installed thus limiting his walk-about tendencies.

Oh, and I did normal feeding chores, got most of the does copper bolused and pulled a few weeds in the garden. DH picked up Popeyes chicken sandwiches since he struck out at TSC. Now I'm full and sleepy...

Tomorrow is another day.

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