Sustainability Master
I put Ringo with the ewes a week ago. Early spring babies are good for me. I have lush clover, fescue and rye grass in the spring, about the time the lambs start eating grass. It helps them grow.
How cold is BRRRR???? Aren't you in TX?????I did it! I finally put a boy goat with some girl goats. He's only 5 months old, but he sure thinks he knows what he's doing. One tiny oops though.... I totally forgot that one of the does is his mother, and she's crazy, and I can't catch her to take her out. Oh well, I'm not terribly worried about it - kids will most likely be sold for meat anyway. Still have some different pairings in mind, but I'm going to space 'em out a little bit. Kids from any breedings right now will be February babies - brrrrr!
LOL - well I am in Texas....south of Houston. But I'm acclimated to this weather so anything below 50 is BRRRR to me!How cold is BRRRR???? Aren't you in TX?????
I don't blame you!I could probably never go back to New England and the cold up there. Va is cold enough.... luckily it doesn't last as long as further north.
How cold is BRRRR???? Aren't you in TX?????
We didn't get real cold last year, will probably have snow this winter. Yes, we get snow, it hangs around 2 or 3 days, then melts and is gone. Texas knows how to throw a Snow Party! We are idiots, drive too fast and have wrecks. Us personally, we stay home and let the idiots have at it. I can't imagine living in snow for months at a time!