Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Getting close, lol!!

I think I'll get a little break before the next round of kiddings. I might be lying however, because one little cra-cra goat out there (who has always been obnoxiously friendly) has decided that I am a monster and won't let me feel her ligaments. Hormones!! The unfriendly decide to love me when they're pregnant and the friendly lose their minds, lol!

Time to start re-arranging. Some of the babies haven't figured out that mom has two spouts and one baby has declined to bend down low enough to reach mama's low hangers, lol. They won't be such low-hangers if the babies would start removing enough milk! But, in their defense - when mom has enough milk to raise about 16 babies and there's only 2 babies - it's a tough job! I'll be milking out those does so the babies have an easier time. They generally work it out - but in the interim the mama's are carrying around a huge load and it's tough on their udders.

Took a look at the raised beds and found that I didn't lose as much as I thought I had. The carrots are thriving! The sugar snaps are fine too - I need to get more of those in the ground. About 25% of the cabbages and maybe 40% of the radishes survived - but looks like most of the collards and swiss chard got wiped out.

The two eggplant starts that I dug up and put in pots are fine. The volunteer basil and habanero plants are also doing well. Yesterday found a well started habanero on the ground beside the pot that has the mother plant. Not sure how it survived but it looks great. Now I just have to make sure it survives the weed-eater! Might dig it up and pot it too.

I want to get a couple of pigs in the freezer. Need to find the time to make that happen. At least one of them will be ground up and the other just parted out. Might be weeks before I make it happen - but it's at least in the thought process right now, lol. So many butchering chores I need to get to...pigs, quail, ducks. Have a few extra roos out there too. I need a clone of me!

More coffee - I need more coffee. I tired myself out just thinking of all the things I need to do...

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
I wish someone could come butcher my Xtra roos for me! Would like do before mid Feb. Hope I get to it!! Checked calenders for breeding notes and see at least a week when buck ran with the does. So March will be busy. But there was a youngster I didn't pull soon enough, it appears! And a couple I know I put with Mr B before his freelance calendar notes. 🤔😟. I have GOT to do better. :lol: :old

Some of my best plantings have been "volunteers". Alas, I need to till the entire garden area soon. Then it can rest before I redo for planting. It's so much work but I have committed myself to making it happen this yr! I need to refill canning jars :love Especially with food costs skyrocketing. I'll be starting seed in early Feb. Can't wait! With no garden last year, I've waited impatiently. :idunno ;) 🤔 fresh tomatoes!:drool


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I think I'll get a little break before the next round of kiddings. I might be lying however, because one little cra-cra goat out there (who has always been obnoxiously friendly) has decided that I am a monster and won't let me feel her ligaments.
I knew there was a reason she was being so "hands off." Silly gal kidded last night out in the common area with all the other goats around. She obviously did a good job of delivering - but she has no idea how to be a mama! She's a first freshener and they can be so silly. That poor baby was chasing her around and crying "feed me, feed me!" I put them both in a kidding pen and held mama until she figured it out. She didn't fight, she just had no idea what was going on. I think she'll be ok. This baby is 75% Kiko and a cute little doeling. Possible keeper? That puts the stats at 6 doelings and 5 bucklings.
I need to till the entire garden area soon.

I'm trying desperately NOT to till. It's not the tilling thats the problem - it's the hilling and rowing that's the killer.

Gotta get the milking hoses all cleaned up and ready to go. I need to milk out a couple of these does with lopsided udders and my hands are not ready for that chore.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Today’s lil cutie:


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