Mini Horses
Sustainability Master
I think that's what they do with hay up north!! Got so many in a couple bale's last yr. I saved and took back to the dealer.....I wanted to sell them back!!Sigh... I told him I was gonna feed her some rocks before I put her on the scale!
Yes, sell eggs!! Yes, remove pigs from feed bill! Plus.....find a goat milk soaper in your area. I get $7 a gallon here. This morning she asked if she could give my number to a few who've asked about milk. Sure!! I can do "goat shares" with my herd. It could sure pay the feed bill....these Saanens give bodacious amounts of milk. It could even bring on my staying home.

Hey, that Myo sire is AWESOME!!! Except for color, some of my old Boer bucks looked like that....huge. I'm doing it again!