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- #11,641
Sustainability Master
I can see that, lol.I've never used my favorite P name - Perfection. Because maybe that one's babies will be better and then the name is meaningless.![]()
Waaaaaay back in the dark ages when I showed goats I had an absolutely awesome doe - one of those "once in a lifetime" goats. At one show I was using her in a showmanship class. Showmanship classes don't judge the animals conformation - it judges the exhibitors knowledge about the goat and their skill showing it.
In these particular classes the judges like to ask questions to test your knowledge. This particular judge went down the line of exhibitors and asked each one of us to state something negative about the animal that we were showing. When she got to me she asked me to name something negative about this doe. I looked her in the eye and said "I can't see a conformation flaw in this doe." I won the class and later that day took Senior Champion and Grand Champion doe in the show, lol. That doe was the closest thing to perfection that I've ever bred. Another judge at a different show did find one thing about her that took points off - she had a double orifice in one teat. She also took Grand Champion in that show because even with her one tiny flaw she so far outclassed every other doe there.
In the Pygmy goat show world with a doe - you had to 3 Grand Champions to become a permanent Grand Champion. That's a huge honor and truly hard to achieve. One of those Grand Championships had to come after a doe proved that she could produce offspring. This doe had two Grand Champion "legs" and needed that third one after kidding. I bred her to my best buck. I had her ultrasounded and showed that she was carrying triplets. That doe choked to death on feed a few days before she was due to kid. I tried to do a barn c-section but wasn't fast enough because I didn't have a knife or scalpel in the barn. Absolute devastation!