Sustainability Master

Between her biological children and her husbands bio kids there are two 11 yo's, a 13 yo, one 15 and one 16. All girls except for the oldest boy (he'd prefer that I call him a man, lol) Thankfully, they are all wonderful children. They definitely try to drive each other crazy on a daily basis, but they're very respectful, mannerly and helpful. So glad they are all able to take care of their daily needs. Daughter is raising them right. They do their own laundry and can cook and clean with the best of them.How old are the kids?
SIL left with the girls today to head back home. Grandson is staying with us for a while. He and I will trade off hospital days/nights. Best part is he can stay with DH while I'm on hospital duty and vice versa.
DH had an appt today about the wounds on his legs. Doc was more worried about the swelling, so she applied a soft cast with instructions to elevate 3 times a day for at least an hour and all night. Poor guy is having a hard time getting around.
Before I head back to the hospital, I need to run some errands and then catch up on some goat maintenance. Gonna try to get that taken care of in the morning. Guess the garden is toast for the rest of the summer - I just don't have the time to take care of it.