Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
l'd die too, WBF! If we get snow once every 4 or 5 years things get crazy around here.

We had a really nice weekend. I got a lot of stuff done even though the list never gets finished. Geeze, right now my old brain is having a hard time remembering what we did.

Hmmmm... I've got the geese on a routine now. They're up in the front barnyard - penned during the day - out at night. Which means----mama and baby goats are out during the day and penned at night. The geese are too mean during breeding season to let them out with the baby goats. Awhile back my gander nearly blinded one of my goats by pecking her in the eye....stoopid goose.

Brought the horses up and since my farrier is MIA, I started working on their feet. Actually, I had trimmed the youngest mare a little a couple weeks ago. Many, many years ago (probably should say 'decades' ago -ugh) I worked for a farrier and he taught me soooo much. When I was much younger (decades ago :( ) I trimmed all my horses myself. I gotta tell you that is some HARD work - and I really don't enjoy doing it myself. But, at times, it is a necessary evil. The youngest mare is the one with the worst separation, but I must say I did a fairly good job on her. She's moving out much better.... so, if I'm gonna be her farrier I will at least keep her in shape without all the uneven growth a foundered pony gets. If I can keep her trimmed every two weeks I should have her back in really good shape in just a few months. It's amazing how fast an old skill like that comes back. And, since I'm just doing baby trims it's hard to really screw up.

Got a really good start on raking up the old built up hay from the last round bale they kinda, sorta finished. I gotta say that is some FERTILE stuff under where that bale sat for a year. I've got half a mind to fence that area and plant summpin in there. Hmmm...think I just talked myself into it. Now I've just gotta figger out what. Not a big enough area for corn - maybe some winter squash - it'll have a little room to roam and it should do well in that ultra fertile soil.

Let's see....what else did I do? Don't hate! I got tomato plants in the ground! Whoop, whoop! Now, I've just gotta remember to keep the chickens outta the raised beds in the back yard.

Which reminds me - I worked in the big garden too. I took a lot of that old hay and have started laying it out for mulch. That's a yearly thing and hopefully it'll start getting that soil a little richer and a lot looser. This is my third or fourth year to garden in this spot and while it's getting better it could still stand some improvement.

The smaller garden that I grew my brassicas in this year has the best soil EVER! I've replanted a few things in there too... some radishes, more carrots... can't even remember it all.... which will make identifying the seedlings a lot of fun. I ALWAYS think I'll remember what I planted where - but eh - doesn't always work out that way.

Has anybody ever grown (or eaten) kohlrabi? I saw some plants at wally world the other day and picked 'em up. I've got exactly ZERO experience or knowledge about it - but in the spirit of adventure I grabbed a 9-pack. And, I picked up a package of broccoli-rabe seeds. Another experiment.

Sunday we went mattress shopping and ended up with the fanciest "who needs it" kinda stuff. We now have a new memory foam mattress and bed frame that raises head and feet and vibrates and... who knows...? LOl - he has no self-control!

I know we did more - but heck - can't even think of it. Gotta take off tomorrow afternoon for the bed delivery... darn :)
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Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Kohlrabi. Yum. I always just ate mine raw like an apple with a little salt.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
FJ, you crack me up! Congrats on getting some more snow.

I'm now more excited about planting that kohlrabi - thanks for the info.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
FJ, we might get more snow as well. Want me to send it to you?


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Hope FJ has alllll the snow he wants now! :)

I left work early to come home and wait for the delivery of my new bed - exciting huh? Except my bed didn't come at 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5o'clock like it was supposed to. It didn't even come at 5:30 or finally arrived at 6:30! And - just for grins - half of it was broken....grrrrrrrrrrrrr! It's a king size bed and it has two motorized bases for vibrating and raising head and feet and stuff.... one of 'em was broke. I patiently explained (yea, right, lol) to the manager that I'd taken the afternoon off and didn't get what I'd paid for so I felt I was entitled to a bit of a refund - soooooooo - drum roll please- I got a $200 dollar credit! Helps a little cuz now I've gotta sleep on a mattress on the floor until Friday. (Or stay in the guest room) Anwyay....

I did get a few things done since I had a few extra hours in my day. Hung a new feeder for the bucks. It's an over-the-fence goat trough so I had to block off access so the does can't stick their heads through the fence and eat the bucks feed.

Then I set up a nest out in the barnport so that the hens out there can lay their eggs in a safe place and Maddie (the LGD) can't scarf em all up like she's been doing....silly dog!

Had a tote full of stinky quail chicks in the breezeway who had totally outgrown their habitat. Soooo, I got another tote and bedded it up and split the little critters up so now I've got two (soon to be stinky) totes in my breezeway. Hope to get the little critters outside this weekend. Havta work Saturday so don't know how much I'll get done.

We're taking our students to see a live performance of "The Diary of Anne Frank"....not sure I'm looking forward to it. I know it'll be a great cultural experience for the students, but not exactly an enlightening subject.

We hit 80 today...and I broke a sweat... a real moisture releasing sweat. TMI, huh? Felt good though... am NOT complaining!

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