Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Sounds like you need to spike your coffee with some Kaluha…….
So sorry you and DH had to deal with A$$hole doctors. Y’all are back home now and now all these specialists to deal with. Hang in there.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I only got 1 5/8” of rain out of that storm. I took my Kawasaki mule to church on Sunday morning. I totally understand underwater, overflow, mud and more mud. If I had known I was gonna be buying a place down a dirt road I would have bought a 4WD something-anything rather than this low slung roller skate. Diesel truck is not 4WD and wants to slide off in ditch, so it stays parked.

You got fish! As water goes down, be on alert for little dummies that don’t follow water back to pond.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Whew! Rare occurrence here last night. DH, who is the sweetest most patient guy 99.5% of the time, made a big mistake. He said something stupid to me after I'd gotten him upstairs, bathed him, and got him in bed. Why'd he go and do that? I know, I know - we're both tired and stressed. That's my excuse. I was so mad I don't even remember everything I said to him except the last part when I told him it's not smart to piss off the person who is literally wiping his a$$, lol. TMI - sorry! It ended up with us both laughing until we had tears over my last comment, and all is well again.

We've been trying to concentrate on getting enough protein for him. He's not eating enough to get the protein requirement that he needs. I ordered some low carb whey protein powder for him and he got his first taste of it yesterday evening. It really seemed to give him a boost. Probably what gave him enough energy to say the stupid thing that he said, lol.

So many things to keep track of. Supposed to limit his fluid intake. Eh... we're probably not being as strict as we're supposed to be, but as long as he's not retaining fluid he's good. He has to weigh every morning. If he gains more than two pounds in a day that's bad and indicates he's retaining fluid. I'm going as far as measuring his ankle circumference because that's the first place he swells. That should keep us on track as far as fluid intake goes.

I've gotta start disbudding babies again. I'm going to have to put them and mom into a heavily bedded stall afterwards. They always scratch their heads with a back hoof after the disbudding and can't have them using a dirty, muddy, nasty foot to do that.

Haven't planted a single spring veggie seed yet. Sigh.... Definitely want to do that soon. Too many other duties right now. Also have two plum trees that I need to get in the ground. They were delivered right before we went to the hospital. I unpacked them yesterday and was pretty disappointed to see that there was no packing around the bare roots. A couple of shreds of paper were floating around the box, but not wrapped around the roots very well. I tucked them into a giant pot of wet soil last night to try to hold them over until I can get them planted correctly. Sheesh...

Along with everything else, need to try to get this house back in order. Always something... I'll start after another cup of coffee!


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
You got fish! As water goes down, be on alert for little dummies that don’t follow water back to pond.

they should be ok. the fish tend to not want to go where there isn't enough cover to keep away from predators. but yes, also keep an eye out... :) i'd have a very hard time not wanting to fiddle around with it all.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
I will spend a little time on fish patrol, lol. I have a fine mesh net. I'm thinking I'll walk around and see if there's any obvious runaways! Not sure they'll be very easy to see. Some of them are pretty small. Thankfully I haven't seen any of the big white herons lately. Had a couple of them hanging around before I got the fish, but the heavy rains seem to have sent them elsewhere. I'm ok with that.

Been re-doing the feeding area of the barn. I hate getting mobbed so I have always fed from behind a panel that I can access from a different access door in the barn. The goats have stood on it and pushed on it and have generally just destroyed the hog panel that I was using. It's been replaced now with a full-sized cattle panel that will keep anything from jumping and getting where they don't belong. I'm about 95% finished with it. Just need to finagle some sort of make-shift gate.

Next project will be a creep feeding area for the kids. Little boogers try to get all up in the general melee that is feeding time, and somebody is gonna get squished if they're not careful. Their very own creep area will take away some of that risk.

Disbudded a couple more little un's yesterday. I hate it so much. I think from now on anything that I keep will be disbudded - but anything for sale is gonna go with horns.

Did some online shopping this morning. We need to get DH a 'real' walker. He's been using a cheap one that the hospital sent home with us a couple years ago. He hasn't really needed a walker often so we never purchased one. Now he's using it quite often and will need to have it for safety's sake when we go to doc visits and such. We're going to get one of the upright walkers so he doesn't have to do so much bending over which hurts his back.

Need to grab a bite and get back outside. Really decent temps today so I need to take advantage!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Oh my goodness - all of me hurts. It's ok though because I got a whole bunch of stuff accomplished. Started with the feeding area in the barn. Got the old stuff out and the new stuff up. Demolition was totally the hardest part. Superwoman strikes again, lol. I was trying to wiggle a t-post out of the ground and snapped it off below ground level. Not even going to try to get the bottom piece out. Also put in a walk-through gate to make life easier for me.

Started on the creep feed area for the kids next. Wouldn't be so hard except for the 20 or so does who want to break into the creep area. Stupid ol' wenches! Got it done and call it a success. Just have to teach all the kids where/how to get in. Generally, the older ones help train the younger ones so hope it goes that way. I caught several and put them in today and they were like 'yippie,' our very own food!

Weather was great for working outside. Started the day int he 40's and topped out in the 60's. Lots of sunshine early in the day. Got a bit cloudy later.

We rescheduled DH's appt with his primary care provider. We decided to wait until next week when he has an appt. with the neurologist in the same office complex. Finally ordered that upright walker today. He needs something more stable than what he has. Feel pretty good about what he picked.

Physical Therapy, who we thought would be here yesterday, is coming tomorrow. Didn't do any housework today so hope I have time to tidy up before they get here tomorrow. Floors need some serious attention. Need to dust too. Laundry on the couch because I must've done 6 loads yesterday. Need to fold the rest of it and get it put away. It's amazing the mess you can learn to live with (temporarily at least) when there are simply NOT enough hours in the day for one person to get to it all. It'll happen though.
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Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
The fan on my 7 month old laptop started to make noise. I looked it up and its prob full of dust and animal hair. Hmmmm.....wonder why???:caf


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Got the Rumba started on the floors this morning. Of course, Rumba doesn't think she gets paid enough so she does a crappy job. I followed up with the broom.

Got DH out of bed, dressed and fed so now I get to go outside and get the goats fed too. Need to set something out for dinner. Hmmm... Maybe pork loin? Salmon? Chicken? I dunno... I'll see if any inspiration comes to me while I'm outside. Cabrito maybe? :lol:


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
So glad our drought has finally been broken! We were really desperate for some more rain so we were gifted 3.38 inches today - so far. ARGH!!!!!!!

DH is still very weak. Stomach issues aren't helping so he's officially on a bland diet as of right now.

Made some homemade mayo this morning. It worked and emulsified as it was supposed to but it's definitely NOT Hellmanns! I think I'll try to mix a little of the new stuff into the old stuff and see if I can pass it off that way. Might not have to worry about it if DH stays on his bland diet.
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