Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Amazing and horrifying amount of rain!!
So much devastation...and the same area might be hit again today.

Awake at 4:30 and out of bed by 5. Yay me...(not so much). I'm sure I'll be looking for a nap later today. Inhaled the first cup of coffee and about to go back for the next one.

Work will continue on the breezeway re-do. And when I say re-do - I mean RE- DO! Everything in there is being cleaned and moved. That room has been a dust trap along with a dog hair repository long enough. I'm re-claiming the space. Getting quite a load for donating too. This job may take months! I generally give it 3 - 4 hours a day. It's really more time than I can spare in between my other obligations, but gotta make time for it. Weather is limiting outside work so that helps.

I should probably head to town this morning and pick up a couple of things we're low on. There's a few good sales I'd like to take advantage of, but nothing I'm desperate for. Time to start thinking about hurricane preps also. Don't have much I need to do except make sure all the gas cans are full and clean out and stock the storm shelter. Been storing fishing gear in there so I'll relocate that.

Still have two does left to kid. Crazy kidding season started in Dec and won't end for another week or so. :th


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
My sister was rescued from her second story yesterday late afternoon. Water was almost to the second story. She is downriver from Lake Conroe, the San Jancinto River. Her house took about a foot of water in February and she just finished putting her house back together. FEMA sent her buyout paperwork and she was indignant about it, but she’s ready to throw in the towel now. She’s too old, too sick, and too feeble to fight the river anymore.

Half a million dollar home, on 2 acres, swimming pool, covered deck that’s got more square feet than my double wide mobile home. Plus she has 11 more acres. Right across from city limits, all the accoutrements of country living, but only 5 minutes to grocery store, doctor office and shopping. Beautiful place. Until it floods. ☹️


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
...Beautiful place. Until it floods. ☹️

if you could be happy living in a place that floods living in a house up on stilts high enough would be ok. i for one would be fine with that, knowing my gardens would be at risk some times but to have the land and space would be great.

cost of building up on stilts is probably the kicker though... and you wouldn't be able to get flood insurance.

we are not technically in a flood plain, but we do have flash flooding at times. i've figured out how to block the flows and divert them so the gardens don't get washed out, but it can happen at any time. so far i've not ever lost a crop to any flash flooding and the house has never been threatened since it is about 6ft above grade to get to the actual level where the floor is at. a power outage and flash flood at the same time would not be good but with how quickly it drains away i don't think that is very likely, but i sure don't want to imagine what the crawlspace would look like if it ever did happen. besides being a mess for the furnace and other stuff down there...


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Another whopping storm tomorrow. ☹️
So I hear... :confused: We've still managed to be out of the danger zone. That's rare for us. It's been overcast and windy every day. We got a tiny shower yesterday that dropped less than a tenth of an inch. We're still wet from the 2 inches we had last weekend. Fingers crossed we are out of the line of fire again. Feel horrible for the folks who keep getting hit over and over...

Still working on the room re-do. Yesterday I took down Every. Single. Jar of canned food and wiped them down from the dust and installed them back on the shelves. All are organized and lined up according to type with oldest in front. I think I may never can potatoes again. I have a lifetime supply, lol. That's ok, chickens like 'em too, lol. I dumped the remainder of the lemon juice I had canned several years ago. It had discolored terribly and some of the lids had a coating of rust. Perhaps from the citric acid?

As much as I gripe about it, I'm actually enjoying the re-do. It feels good to bring order to what was chaos. It's great to have the canned goods all in one space so I can actually remember what I've got, lol.

It's about time to wean some more babies and get them listed for sale. I'll wait until this rainy spell is over - or next weekend - whichever comes first, lol. Need to add a few of the adult does to the list also. Argh - I hate it. So hard to decide who stays and who goes.

First cup of coffee down - need one more and then it'll be time to get started!

Happy Saturday ya'll.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Sun is shining here...but tomorrow that all will likely change.

I played musical goats today. Have some mama's who need a break so weaning has begun. Next will be to separate some bucklings who are getting way too grown to be with the girls anymore.

DH has the smoker going. First time he's done that in a couple years so I'm excited about that. Smelling good around here!