Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Whew! Glad you were able to help him! Maybe that's why he kept getting in, he knew you'd want to catch him eventually. Just think you never would have known otherwise and he could have died from the infection or had some other problem.
Love it when things work out that way!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Well, he seems to be doing find and in fact getting fiestier by the day. He's back to mock-fighting through the fence when before all he'd do is run and hide in a corner. Of course, he's got a fence to protect him so it may all be for show anyway.

Grand-kids are coming tonight - whoopie! I'm so excited...haven't seen 'em since Christmas! That's tooooo long. I'm taking them to see my folks tomorrow. It's a shame but they haven't spent much time with 'em so we're gonna make a day of it tomorrow.

Garden is still waiting for me to finish it up. We'll have gorgeous weather the rest of the week so might get out there Thursday and get busy again. Maybe I can get the kiddos to help! In fact, I was thinking about giving them each a little 8 x 8 plot of their own and see what they want to plant in it.

One goose is sitting hard and fast and the other one is still laying. I thought she was through so I pulled the 4 eggs in her nest (she wasn't sitting) and prepared to turn her out of the pen when dang it all if she didn't go and lay another egg. I know if I keep pulling 'em, she's gonna keep laying 'em so I'll probably leave alone any more that she lays. Don't know if she'll sit 'em this late or not.

Found another broody hen yesterday - am trying hard to discourage her. I just don't neeeeeed, or want, anymore chickens. The meaties are coming along. I opened up their chicken tractor today to see if they wanted to get out and run around. They kinda looked around and stuck their heads out and then went back inside. Hmph, by tomorrow they'll havta get out and run around if they wanna eat - that's for sure. I'll lure 'em out with a quick morning feed and then take their feed away and hope they'll learn to free range a little.

Gotta get busy and vacuum the floor so the grandkids can come and dirty it up. Makes sense, huh?


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Thanks ya'll! They are truly a joy to have around and I'm loving every minute of it. Tuesday night my DD stayed the night to get ready to leave for her conference Wed. morning. She and I are really 'besties' and we stayed up until 2:30am just laughing and talking and having fun. I gotta say that this old body is so NOT accustomed to basically pulling an all nighter, lol. I still woke up the next morning at my customary 5:45am... I was doing alright until yesterday evening when I could NOT get into bed fast enough, lol. I read the kiddos a bedtime story about 9pm and I was sawing my own logs by about 9:30.

The kiddos are excited about today cuz I promised 'em their own garden area. They looked through some of the seeds and whaddya think they both picked to grow? Watermelon - lol! I've never really had luck with it, but by golly we're gonna give it a go. I swear even if I have to go buy watermelons to put out in their little areas the next time they visit - they will have watermelon!

I have about 1/3 of the garden mulched so I'm gonna try to get some more of that done today. Not sure how much I'll get accomplished with their help, lol. They're pretty good workers though, so we might make some good progress. They want to do some "real farm work: so we might work on a little fencing project I have on the list.

Ugh - we're supposed to get another cold-ish front this weekend with rain starting Saturday and continuing for a couple days. Oh gee whiz!!! A break already!

Not much going on with the critters right now. Have a couple pregnant goats, but not due anytime real soon so we're just kinda coasting right now. That's a good thing!

Better go get some breakfast ready for the kiddos. They're sleeping in a little this morning, but I know they'll wake up starving real soon.

Enjoy the day ya'll - I know I will! :)


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Have a great day! Enjoy the time with the kiddos! Sounds like you'll keep them busy which means they'll crash pretty hard, which is always a good thing!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Reminds me of an episode of Green Acres where they had some kids there trying to grow stuff, and the wife (can't recall her name) put veggies in their plots so they had them. I don't recall many episodes, but that's one that I do.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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LOL - I'll do that if I have to, for sure!

Not only did we plant watermelon, but also another type of rather obscure melon called "Schoon's Hard Shell" melon. It's a cantaloupe type that is supposed to be resistant to cracking - we'll see, I guess. Next we planted:
lemon basil
rattlesnake pole beans
yard long beans
and several types of sunflowers (so far)

They helped a lot! It did get pretty warm in the middle of the day so they had to spend some time with the water hose, lol. They hosed down the geese along with themselves, lol. I had to threaten them to stay away from me!

Somewhere in between all of that I taught my granddaughter to tie her was funny and frustrating at the same time but she got 'er done. It's amazing what kind of motivation works. "If you don't learn to tie your shoes you can't work in the garden!" In a couple of years that one won't get me anywhere - but it worked yesterday!

We had broccoli cheese soup last night along with grilled cheese sandwiches. It's their absolute favorite meal and easy enough to fix - so they got their wish. They are quite the pancake connoisseur's also. This morning's selection will be cranberry orange pancakes. I'll be cheating and using a muffin mix to make 'em... (Yesterday was honey wheat pancakes- also from a muffin mix.) I usually cook 'em from scratch but this is a pantry cleaning project for me - and fun for them. We learned that you can also make pancakes out of cake mix. We call 'em pancake cake around here. Maybe not the most nutritious breakfast item, but we pair it with some bacon and eggs and call it good. :)

We'll be butchering some quail tomorrow. We talked it over and they think they're ready. Part of our discussion was that the quail are sacrificing their lives for us so we have to thank them and be very respectful when we butcher them. Granddaughter said yesterday that if all the grocery stores in the whole world were closed - she's coming to my house! What a smart kid, lol.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Personally, I don't see anything wrong w/eating cake for breakfast-even if it's chocolate cake. I figure it can't be any worse than the sugar laden cereals they sell, and IMO, tastes much better.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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ESPECIALLY if it's chocolate cake!

We didn't accomplish much gardening today except to do a little watering. We did notice that the peas have sprouted - kiddos were excited about that even if they weren't the ones who planted 'em. It was more of a yard work kinda day. Did the mowing and a lot of trimming, but still didn't finish everything. I've got my high school helper coming out tomorrow and I'll see how well the trimmer fits into his hands! Really hope the rain holds off so we/he can get some things accomplished.

Did the bedtime routine and have the kiddos all tucked in.... my turn next.

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