Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Of course....As soon as I bragged on how well DH has been doing lately - what does he do? He goes and falls yesterday. ARGH! I was so PO'd because I told him not to do what he was doing. His sister is coming tomorrow to visit for a few days and he was trying to tidy up the guest room. I told him not to. Did he listen to me....the answer to that is emphatically NO! I told him I'd rather do the work than to deal with him falling. I do appreciate him wanting to help - but it's not worth it if he gets injured. Thankfully, just a few more scrapes and no real injury.

Tomorrow morning he has a CT scan scheduled. Next Monday a visit with the surgeon to see if he needs another adjustment. He's been doing so well, but there's still the problem with his balance.

DH took a shower first thing this morning. He came out saying the shower reminded him of summer camp...huh? No hot water....ARGH! Hot water heater died. Son came over to check it out and we discovered that it was well and truly dead. So, we hopped into his truck, and ran to HD and grabbed another one. He had it hooked up and working in less than an hour. He's awesome! When we were checking out the cashier asked me if I wanted the protection plan for $75. I looked at my son and he said "Mom, I'm your protection plan!" LOL - he's right. Very grateful for him!
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Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I can't get ahead...always a time suck somewhere. Up at 4:30 this morning because my mind wouldn't stop reminding me that I need to get busy. Grabbed a cup of coffee and started on the laundry that I did yesterday that was piled on the couch. That's all folded now and ready to take upstairs and put away. DH is still in bed so I'll wait until he's up.

We use a Keurig coffee maker, but I refuse to buy the disposable pods because of all the plastic waste. We use refillable pods. I washed 'em last night and let 'em dry. Have 'em all refilled and ready to go for the week this morning.

Forty-eight baby quail can make a mess in the brooder pretty quickly. I put paper towels down over the hardware cloth because their feet are so tiny I don't want them to get caught. Got that changed out this morning and they have fresh food and water for the day.

We're going to have hamburgers tonight so I'm about to make the patties so that they'll be ready when I get the grill going later.

DH's CT scan is this morning and I need to pick up a few groceries before we come home. DH's sister is coming this afternoon for a couple of days. He'll really enjoy that.

Waiting for a speck of daylight so I can get out there and feed.

Happy Monday ya'll.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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We use the refillable pods too. Since there are three of us, that's three pods a day. Each person fills their own pod every morning.
Eventually I hope DH can take that chore over. We are coffee lovers and between the two of us it's a minimum of 4 - 6 cups a day. A couple in the morning and sometimes an afternoon cup.

We've already been for his CT scan this morning. In and out and home before 9. I'd love it if all appts would go that quickly.

All in all it's a pretty dreary day so far. Foggy and damp and coolish. Supposed to burn off around noon they say. I'd welcome some sunshine!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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The CT scan showed that DH's ventricles are still slightly enlarged. Despite him being so much better - I think there's still room for improvement. I don't think it will take much. We see the surgeon on Monday so I guess we'll find out then. We will also ask about timing for the lumbar decompression surgery. I'm in no hurry for him to get it. I want him to gain back some strength before he has to go through that and the following PT that will come after.

DH's sister came Monday afternoon and stayed until Wednesday. He really enjoyed her visit.

I have one less mouth to feed. One of my goats was looking droopy. She would eat a little but wouldn't dive into the frenzy to eat. I took her temp and it was slightly elevated so I grabbed some penicillin for her. I always aspirate when I give penicillin because it can be deadly if it gets in a vein. I don't really know what happened, but she fought the injection so maybe the needle moved around. As soon as I finished the injection she started shaking and went down. I let her rest a few minutes and she got up so I moved her into a stall. I gave her some feed and water and saw her nibble at the feed. At that point I went and finished feeding the rest of the herd. Got back to her about 15 minutes later and she had passed. Craziest thing ever! Did I accidentally inject it into a vein when she was fighting me or maybe she was allergic to penicillin? I don't know and it doesn't really matter I guess because I can't change it. Coming two-year-old and pregnant with her whole life ahead of her. I feel horrible.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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i'm so sorry, that would be very hard spot to be in,

Ya know, when you've been doing this as long as I have you learn to accept the losses. It's never "ok" but it's part of the life. I just hate it when it's my fault.

I think I've finally finished my Christmas shopping. Thank goodness for Amazon!

Texans vs. Dolphins today - go Texans!!
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Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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I mean the only thing I can think of to keep an epinephrine injection ready to go next time and watch for at least half an hour but you need exact measurements for sure for epinephrine. I had a scare once after administering it to a 4 year old child. I get nervous with epinephrine. I have given injections to dogs and goats but being a nurse, trained to give injections to humans, I always double check the injection sites for other species because it’s foreign to me and I try to restrain the animal and have someone distract attention elsewhere. I highly doubt it was anything with your technique. I mean even with 30 years as a nurse I think I only got bloodflow back once. There are reasons we have landmarks for injections. Don’t doubt yourself. Just move forward. It’s crazy how similar your issues seem to me.

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