Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
I have been working regular jobs since I was 11 with a set of lawn mowing clients ...

as soon as i could i was also doing the same thing - it was nice to make some extra $ and i never looked back until i early retired. i'm glad i'm happy with a simple life as i mostly can do what i want when i want. gardening, puttering around working on whatever, sous chef for Mom at times, try to keep up with her (impossible but at least i make sure she's not doing things too dangerous for continued life here), keep her happy and warm and the roof from not leaking (mostly, but it is annoying when it drips on her bed), i've told her she will never be hungry or cold again unless she really wants to be, plus i also told her recently that she never needs to do any more dishes again if she doesn't want to and that seems to have actually mostly happened. oops. hehe, dummy moi... :) :) :)


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Still (always) crazy busy. Twelve new kids! Thankfully, I get a break for a couple weeks before the next round. I moved some of the moms/babies yesterday. Most of them were NOT grateful. Creatures of habit, dontcha know.

I have three does that are overproducers in the milk dept and their udders are suffering so they were moved adjacent to the milk room. One of them is a Myotonic goat who is thrilled to think she is now a milk goat, lol. One side of her udder is blown up and the babies haven't learned that it is still a good faucet even though it's larger than the other. I guess tiny babies want a tiny teat. She may be on the list of goats to be re-homed. Probably needs a pet home unless someone is experienced in dealing with her kind of issue.

Second gal is another one that's lopsided. She has one baby who sees no reason to use the other side when his side is producing more than he can handle already. I milked her this morning and got a quart and a half out of one side of the udder! She definitely was grateful, lol.

Third gal is also an overproducer. She has two babies who cannot keep up with her production. I eased her burden this morning. She's a great milker, but very opinionated! She hopped right up on the milkstand, snagged a couple bites of feed, then picked up the feed tray and tossed it across the room. HUH? You did NOT just throw your feed. I picked it up and put it back in the bracket and proceeded to milk again.. She took a couple bites and did the same thing again. So, guess what? She got to stand for milking with no reward. That'll learn her, lol. (probably not)

Need to hang a hay rack for the Boers that I moved yesterday. They now have their very own pen. They're big (!) and my other does aren't aggressive enough to challenge them for feed. Now they don't have to. There'll be more re-arranging still to come when they decide to deliver. Should have a few weeks so the move was worth it so my other gals can get the feed they need.

DH has PT today so I need to get outside and get a few things done - then I need to get back inside and get a few things done. He's on a "maintenance" schedule now - just once a week for as long as he is making improvements.

When we see the neurologist next time we'll discuss the decompression surgery to help ease his back pain. Hopefully that's all the rebuilding and fine tuning this man needs!


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
She's a great milker, but very opinionated! She hopped right up on the milkstand, snagged a couple bites of feed, then picked up the feed tray and tossed it across the room. HUH? You did NOT just throw your feed. I picked it up and put it back in the bracket and proceeded to milk again.. She took a couple bites and did the same thing again. So, guess what? She got to stand for milking with no reward. That'll learn her, lol. (probably not)

she's just trying to tell you that she wants a computer with a keyboard instead... genius trapped in a different body and all that... :)

Need to hang a hay rack for the Boers that I moved yesterday. They now have their very own pen. They're big (!) and my other does aren't aggressive enough to challenge them for feed. Now they don't have to. There'll be more re-arranging still to come when they decide to deliver. Should have a few weeks so the move was worth it so my other gals can get the feed they need.

that sounds challenging if you don't have enough spaces for them all in various fields and pens.

DH has PT today so I need to get outside and get a few things done - then I need to get back inside and get a few things done. He's on a "maintenance" schedule now - just once a week for as long as he is making improvements.

When we see the neurologist next time we'll discuss the decompression surgery to help ease his back pain. Hopefully that's all the rebuilding and fine tuning this man needs!

wow, i sure hope so! it's been such a long road recently.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
that sounds challenging if you don't have enough spaces for them all in various fields and pens.
Nah, I still have plenty of pens. It's just easier on ME if I don't have them all spread out, lol!

wow, i sure hope so! it's been such a long road recently.

It has - and I'm tired! I want "regular life" back again!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Do you ever freeze milk for when you don’t have a doe in milk? Milking 3, even sharing with kids, is a lot of milk! Miss Prissy threw her feed! Haha! What a Diva!
I'll keep a little in the freezer - a gallon or two at most. I don't plan on milking 3 long term. Just trying to get some udders evened out right now. Will likely just milk one or two for the long haul, but since I milk share with the kids, I don't have to milk every day if I don't want to. However, with grocery prices being so high I'll probably share as much as possible with my neighbors. Two growing kids (the human kind) drink a lot of milk!

Obviously you weren't serving her fav!!! 🤣. I have one who finishes and looks to me for more. If not being given, milk flow isn't either 😳. They can be bargainers!

Silly girl! She just THINKS she's gonna get her way, lol. She'll stop tossing the feed pan or she'll stop getting treats while being milked. She's an awesome milker though, beautiful udder and very generous with the milk. No doubt she can raise her two babies and still have enough to share with me.