Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Works great! I started it on the stove top, but I wanted to cook it longer and I NEEDED to go to bed. I've cooked lots of stuff overnight in the oven so i decided this would work too. And it did! It gave it kind of a roasted flavor that I love!

I decided to go ahead and can the first batch last night and totally thought I could get it done fairly quickly....NOT. I was up til midnight...ugh. One jar ended up busting in the canner which didn't make me happy.

Something got one of the baby geese so we're down to 7. Those things grow so fast it's amazing! I probably should pull 'em from the parents and tame 'em down some. It sure makes handling them as adults easier - but I'm planning on selling these anyway. I've got eggs in the incubator and if they hatch - I'll play mama goose to those. They can get pretty tame that way...and Pilgrim geese are naturally calm anyway.

I washed about a zillion eggs today. I don't usually wash 'em for myself, but since I've been selling so many and since my girls do not wipe their feet before they enter a nest - I've gotta wash 'em...

I'm sleepy... G'nite ya'll.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
What do yoy set the temp on in the oven? And so you put the lid on the pot? I'm all kinds of curious now!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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My oven will go as low as 175 - but I think I set it at 200. I wanted to reduce it some so I left the pots open. Since 200 is just below boiling I got some reduction but no worries about boil-overs. (not sure how that works at altitude - I'm barely above sea level!). It's got nice color and a great chicken-y flavor. I'm a lazy cook so anything I can do that doesn't need babysitting I'm all over it! I suppose I could've used the crock pot but I had too much to fit - so the oven it was!

We've been getting some light drizzy rain on and off for a couple of days and it's been great for the garden. Most of my tomatoes have sprouted - but still a few stragglers. Might have to replant a couple. AND - finally a few peppers are popping up. I was about to give up on 'em. We're supposed to get some serious rain this weekend so hope that doesn't beat 'em down. Fingers crossed on that one.

Not a lot of action on the farm right now. Still have a few pregnant goats to go, but not close. The incubator has been running and yesterday some new quail made their appearance. DH worked from home yesterday so he kept opening the incubator and taking them out as they hatched.... can you say loss of humidity? He tries though! The biggest problem was that the last time he opened it he didn't get the top back on properly and the temp was down to 90degrees when I got home - YIKES! I don't know how that is going to affect my goose eggs, but even mama geese get off the nest for awhile so I'm hoping they'll be alright.

Red is still healing from her foot's slow going though. The side-effect is that she's gaining some weight being confined, lol. She's naturally pretty lean, so i kind of like the rounder look for her. I keep trying to turn bony Nubian milk goats into fat pygmy-like goats and it's just not working so well, lol!

It's about time for me to wean the little doelings. Mama is still real patient with them, but they're old enough to pull. Now it's time to decide about keeping or selling them. They do represent the first new blood that's entered my herd in a long, long time so I'll probably keep them both - but that means I've gotta move some other ones. I've got a few senior citizens that I'll offer to a friend that just loves the seniors. She isn't interested in breeding - she just loves to sit out in their pen and spoil 'em. They deserve that!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I'm ssooooooo excited! I just closed the deal on a beeee-you-teeeee-ful Nubian buckling. He's moonspotted, from awesome Nubian lines and is drop dead gorgeous.


I'm so happy I could just spit, lol!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Thanks! I think I'm gonna be pleased with him. He's a little more buck than I started out looking for, but why not get a good one? Now - I've just gotta keep him alive, lol. He's only two months old, but should be breeding by fall.

We got a few things done around here today. I re-tilled a new area of the garden and DH came out and helped me row it up. It's ready to plant now, I've just gotta decide what to plant there. I want to put in corn, but gee whiz, we eat low carb around here so does it really make sense to use up a bunch of space for it? But, on that same note, I planted taters too, and they're not low carb, lol. I guess they'll be good "trade" material for the neighbors. I'm a sucker for a fresh cob of corn - but who isn't? So, I'll go ahead and put some in...maybe justify it by planting some beans around it.

My neighbor was out helping my other neighbor trim trees today so I looked at 'em with 'helpless' eyes and they trimmed one of my trees too. This particular tree tends to grow over the power line to mine and my neighbors house - so I'm glad they got it done before hurricane season for sure! The goats sure enjoyed the trimmings. The "trimmings" were actually two HUGE branches that we had to pull around with the truck they were so heavy.

That's about it...just an average boring day out of my average boring life - and I'm okay with it, lol!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
I totally agree, girlfriend! Today was one of those kinda days. I got a couple things done, but I sure didn't hurt myself overdoing anything!

Piddled in the garden, piddled in the kitchen, (No comments Deb!) :) then washed about 8 dozen eggs, and boiled about 4 dozen more. I put a pork roast in the oven earlier this afternoon and made a cucumber salad - so when we got hungry - we ate-no muss no fuss. I'm gonna start some cheese in a few minutes with consists of simply putting some culture and rennet in a pan of milk, covering it up and walking away. Easy-peasy! I've put 4 quarts of milk in the freezer in anticipation of the new buckling. I'll keep stocking it away and that, along with every day milking, should to be enough for us and him. I'm gonna keep him on a bottle for awhile after he gets here. I'm afraid moving him and weaning him at the same time would stress his little self out...and I don't want that!

DH is cleaning up the kitchen. I love him! :love He had a hypoglycemic episode earlier today and it just zaps his energy, but he's not letting it keep him down.

It's been a good day. We needed rain and we GOT rain! It was actually a very good rain...not too hard...not too light...not too much...hopefully enough. Goats weren't fond of it, but who cares? Geese loved it so it balances out.

Gotta go start that cheese....