Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
It isn't mundane. It is the winner of the world. I don't think that most regular folk even know what that is. But what would it take for them to wonder at the world? I find it every day :)


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I knew ya'll would get it! It is amazing to me that some folks just stumble through life and never notice the tiny (and some not so tiny) little miracles going on all around them! I wake up every day and thank the Lord that I'm living exactly the life that I've always wanted. Blessings abound folks - I am so grateful!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I had another day off today - but for a dental apt so it wasn't exactly fun. I had to have a tooth pulled and I didn't want to do it...didn't want to at all. But, it went well and I'll be going back to talk about getting an implant. Ugh...

Critters are doing well, garden is doing well, milking is going well, baby buck is growing. I need to butcher more meaties but it'll have to wait a bit. I have to work Saturday and DH is going to be out of town most of the weekend. Maybe we can do a few Sunday afternoon.

Just got a call from my brother that they took my mom to the ER tonight. It's driving me crazy not to be there, but they keep telling me to wait that it's not terrible. She has "spells" lately. She gets very nauseous, starts to hyperventilate, gets shaky and very weak. This is the third time it's happened in the last few months. But, every time she gets checked out they don't find anything wrong with her except that she's dehydrated. I'm not minimalizing the dehydration at all - it can really mess you up, but my brother is thinking that maybe she's having anxiety attacks. I don't know.... He lives next door to my folks so he sees them daily...

I'll be heading that way tomorrow morning.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Hope they find out what's wrong w/her.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Got some info on mom this morning. They released her at 12:30 last night - guess that would actually be this morning. She has a UTI and her thyroid medication needs to be adjusted. Praise the Lord - these are things that can be fixed!

I felt good yesterday even after having the tooth extraction - but I'm dragging today. Probably because I didnt' get much sleep last night.... Five o'clock came way too early. I woke up in a panic because I'd forgotten to put the murdering Westies back in their pen last night. We've been having a varmint problem so I let them out of their prison yesterday evening to do some patrol and hopefully leave some scent around that the varmint(s) wouldn't like. Well, after 1/2 a pain pill and an early bed time I totally didn't go back out and put them up. I woke up this morning and thought I'd go out to 19 dead meat chickens in the back yard - but the murderess is trying to get back in my good graces cuz the chickens were fine!! I really hoped they'd be ok because her problem seems to be chasing small things that run fast - like rats and baby chickens. These meaties are NOT small and they don't run fast anymore, lol.

I think I'm going to have to back off to one milking a day on the new goat, K'ili. She is a walking skeleton and just doesn't seem to be gaining any weight back at all. It's hard enouhg to keep weight on a lactating doe, but one that starts out skinny is even tougher. Add that to the fact of moving to a new home and being too nervous to eat and it's just not a good situation. She is starting to get more comfortable and finally eating on the milk stand, but i dunno. She has alfalfa hay (bought especially for her and she doesn't even have to share with anybody but the new baby buckling) that she munches on, but rarely cleans it up. I leave out alfalfa pellets and 16% protein pellets for all day snacking. I even add Calf Manna and sunflower seeds to the mix hoping that those things will entice her not only to eat more, but to gain a little condition. I'm going to give it until the end of the month and make my decision.

Here it is just 8am and I neeeeed a nap, lol. Since I was out yesterday I need to play 'catch-up' at work today. I guess it's time to buck up and quit whining!

Have a great day folks!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Glad is is a fixable problem with your Mom. Too bad it took three visits to the ER for them to figure it out for her :\
I know absolutely nothing about goats, but I watch MICHIGANSNOWPONY on Utube, who has them, and everything you've tried are things she recommends. Although, she does give her new mom goats a liquid to help them 'bounce back' and get back to eating good. I'll try to look through her videos and see if I can find the name of it for you.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Thanks SS - at this point, I think she's not only a hard keeper, but also got behind because of all the stress. Other than being a walking bone, she looks good, lol! The lady I got her from wormed her with Cydectin the day she kidded. I need to ask her if she followed up 10 days later. But, her membranes are nice and pink and her coat is shiny. I'm hoping that as she settles in she'll start putting weight on. She's just an awfully nervous nellie. The first 4 or 5 days she was freaked out by the chickens...and if she got scared she ran to the far corner of the pen (where there's no food) and just stood there shaking and refusing food even if I brought it to her. I tried letting her go out to pasture with the other gals but she was afraid of that too. She'd cry to go out with them, and when she was out she wouldn't stay with them.... I think I need to give her a valium, lol. The only thing left to do is just hope she settles down and eats better - or - cut back milking her to once a day. I think that'll help take a load off her system.

I've gotta work all day Saturday - it's our big fundraiser for our program. We have the students help out because after all the money goes back into extras for them. I don't mind working the occasional Saturday because it gives me comp time that I can take off during the week. And, because we'll be putting in at least a 12 hour day I'll get at least 18 hours of comp - not a bad deal at all!!! I love my job. :)

I'm ready for my new buckling to grow up already. I need to get my Nubians bred back and I want him to be the one to do the deed instead of one of the Kinder boys. I want spotted Nubians and I want 'em right now! Nope - not an impatient bone in my body.

I've sold 8 dozen eggs today to co-workers. I only ask $2.00 a dozen, because I'm a dummy, lol. It's not such a big deal to me though because I was feeding the extras back to the dogs and the chickens anyway. I earned enough today to buy the next bag of lay pellets - so it's all good. And, I still have plenty of extra eggs.

I'm still looking for that nap I wanted this morning. It's even worse now that I've had lunch. The girls took me out to lunch today and dessert was part of it. I love them! I'm still on soft foods and by golly, frozen yogurt is nice and soft! :drool


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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In the video I was thinking of, her goat retained a kid, and a mummified partial of a kid, and was just not doing well. She said Goat NutriDrench - or if you are really in a pinch, put a little molasses in their water. She gives them liquid B vitamins (you find them in the human vitamin section, made to go under your tongue). She didn't say how many drops - just a couple I'd think, with a follow up if needed? If they are off their feed (she said goats should be doing one of three things all the time - eating, burping or going potty :p ) she'll give them some probiotics. She uses Probios (we keep that on hand for our horses!) - one dose, by weight, then another later. Hope this helps ya!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Hope the goat find some weight soon! I know nothing of goats but I do know that guy health is linked to anxiety. So if her gut health is poor them it could be making her anxiety worse. Can goats take probiotics? I use dynamite specialty products and love their liquid probiotic. Let me know if you want more info

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