Oh man that is so tough! I found out that my girl scout leader who was like a second mom to me passed earlier in June as well. I hope you're ok. Sending you warm healing thoughts.
Thanks ya'll - I'M okay. Her mom is quite elderly but they had a great visit yesterday afternoon...who could know that a few hours later she would be gone?
HQ - I'm so sorry for your loss too.
I spent today at home - DH had to work. I've neglected my critters while all this was going on so I spent today with them. The babies that were born yesterday are not doing well in the heat and humidity. I gave each of them a long lasting penicillin shot and some electrolytes. They're respiration rate is crazy fast and they're just not very active, not moving much, and not nursing enough. I think the penicillin will help them out, but I wish I had Naxcel. It really works well on respiratory issues.
Wormed the doe that kidded and had to give some of the other young'uns their CDT shots, and have two other pregnant ones who needed their booster All together I musta given about 10 shots today.
Then it was into the garden to cut back the tomato plants that survived the flood. I'm hoping they'll regroup for fall production. The stink bugs have found them anyway- so much for thinking it would be a good tomato year. However, it IS a much better tomato year than last spring when I got practically NO tomatoes at all. The plants that are in raised beds in he back yard are producing very well and I'll be putting some in the freezer.
Speaking of freezer - I'm getting the itch for pigs again. I'll probably look for some this fall - around October or so - then we'll butcher 'em in the spring.
I talked With V at the farm about pruning the tomatoes and then when i stopped over yesterday i saw just how much hers were pruned now i know i need to prune mine more! I'll hack them back some more see what happens. We are worried about fungus issues this year with all the rain we've had and there is another good chance later this week, For several days.
Yay, we're slated for random afternoon showers all week. I am quite impressed with how most of my tomato plants rallied after I thought they were totally dead. I did lose several but the majority bounced back, albeit slowly. Even a few of the peppers came back. I think the pruning will help. I took off anything that looked yellow/brown or jsut unthrifty. I also removed any and all tomatoes just to help the plants put more energy into staying alive than producing right now. Hoping that'll encourage the stink bugs to move on, but more likely they'll just move to the okra now. It looks like the corn is doing well - starting to tassel. I'd like to give it a side dressing of compost/aged manure if I can get to it.
DH had a hypoglycemic episode at 4am this morning. His BS was down to 45. I feel sooo bad for him when that happens - and wouldn't ya know it - it always happens when he's trying to be more compliant. We had a very low carb dinner last night (quail and zucchini! yummy!) and I guess he forgot that when he was taking his evening meds.... He was really dragging this morning. I know this constant battle is taking a toll on his body.
I'm right there with him on 'dragging' today. I feel like I've got no energy or rebound left in me right now. Too much physical and emotional turmoil. But - this too will pass...
Ahhh, thanks! I totally overslept this morning. The bad is that I was a tad late to work - but the good is that I SLEPT all night. It's amazing what a good night's sleep will do for you!