DH had one that for 7 straight years she only dropped bucklings. He gave her one last chance, and that time she had 3 doelings which they named Hallelujah, Hurray, and Howboutdat.... next morning I think it was, they found she had dropped a fourth- a buck which they named Henry the VIII.
Wow - I turn my back for a couple hours and ya'll have named my next batch of goats for me! THANKS! I love them all.
My strawberries are just about done too...started weeding around 'em yesterday and decided that I need a few more. No sooner than I said that I ripped out a couple babies they'd sent out just cuz I wasn't paying attention...geeze! I stuck em back in the ground and will just hope for the best.
Lately, I've been getting the idea of what life will be like with no garden...and I don't like it. I had enough time to sit and read a book yesterday and I kept telling DH that it just wasn't right. I don't know how to sit still! And, furthermore - I don't really like it.
It was an overcast, semi-cool day so after all that sitting I kinda went on a garden tirade late yesterday. After I weeded one of the other raised beds that had previously held tomatoes I decided to stick some seeds in the dirt...didn't really matter to me what it was. Sooooo, I made a decision based soley on the first seed pack I came to. Planted the bed in bush beans so I'll see how they handle mid-summer heat. It was drizzling rain when I planted, so the seed packet got wet and I didn't feel like wet seeds would fare so well in storage so I made sure to plant every last seed. Now - my little 4 x 8 bed was gonna get overgrown with all those seeds in there so I started sticking 'em in every spot or pot I could find. Wonder if they'll grow in the little planters on the fence? Probably will grow - but might not thrive... time will tell!
I'm baby-ing all the tomato plant survivors and they're doing pretty well. If they even try to set a tomato I'm pulling 'em off and tossing 'em. Every week I'm doing a little bit of trimming them back so they don't get too scraggly and just keeping my fingers crossed that they'll get their second wind by fall. Also started some cuttings in pots... I will have fall tomatoes, I will have fall tomatoes, I will have...
Not much else going on around the farm. Have the last two little bucklings that still need to be disbudded....ugh. When/if Sparkle's delivery goes well I'll have a kid or two of hers to disbud also. After that, it'll be time to start deciding who goes and who stays. Right now I think my herd is up to 30 - eeeek! Not too hard on the feed bill right now cuz during the summer I cut the feed for some of the goats waaaay back. The only ones who are getting grain are the nursing or pregnant does and just a little bit to the bucks that are penned. The grazing goats are slick and fat so I've really started skipping a day here and there - or if I do put out feed I've reduced the amount. Only hard part is the looooook they give me! "mom, why you starving us...?
Speaking of starving... I need to find something to munch on...this cup of coffee is good - but not quite enough sustenance....
Well, well, well - Ms. Sparkle decided to be all grown up today and deliver her baby alllll by herseslf! I checked her this morning before work and ligaments were still there, bag was the same as it had been for a week so I head off to work thinking there was nothing to worry about. Turns out there was nothing to worry about - cuz she took care of it, lol. AND - just as a bonus she freshened with a beeeeeyouteeeeful udder! I'm thinking she will be a joy to milk. Guess I needa get back out there and see if there's any more surprises, lol.