Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I have the same worries, Deb. We're pretty well set up to leave the animals on their own for a few days, but this will be a 7 day trip so I'll definitely need some help. I have some neighbors that love the animals, and even more, love the freebies that come with them, lol! However, I don't feel comfortable asking them to do everything that I do. Sooooo, we take great pains to have things set up so that it's minimal work for anyone. And, BONUS, the more we do the easier it is on US also.

We've already got auto waterers for almost every pen. I'll pick up a couple more and get them set up. The biggest chore is a new nipple water system for the quail - DH ordered parts for that last night. That will take care of ALL the watering duties and will take a huge load off. Waaaay back before I had the float waterers it could take 45 minutes to an hour to get water in each separate pen. The pastured critters have access to the pond, which is completely full, and a large trough with a float waterer on it too. Then there's the mini-pond in the front barnyard that helps too. It doesn't hold water indefinitely, but it will hold for 3 or 4 days. All the neighbors will have to do is check on the waterers and make sure nothing has sprung a leak.

Dogs have auto feeders. They won't be too happy about that though because they'll have to eat dry food while we're gone and they're accustomed to having a fresh meal most days, lol. Maddie, the LGD, is on her annual summer diet anyway. She just doesn't eat a lot in the summer.

Chickens are almost all free-ranging now, but the others will have gravity feeders set up for them. I'm considering setting up a deer feeder that will dispense corn for the free rangers so they won't feel so left out!

I'll pick up some round bales (need to do that anyway) and all the pastured goats and horses will have free access to a bale. Not sure they even need it because the grass is absolutely lush right now. Many times the horses don't even come up when it's feeding time.

The mama's and baby goats that are in the front barnyard will also have free access to hay and self-feeders full of alfalfa pellets.

I don't think anything will starve while we're gone. The neighbors won't have to do much more than just verify that all waterers are functioning and that the critters are healthy. I usually call my vet before I go on a trip and authorize the neighbors to call him out if there are any problems. He's fine with me paying him when I get back.

By golly - I think we can do this!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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At least when I do finally get a dog again, she'll be going w/me everywhere because I'll be using her as a service dog. So, that will be one less animal to worry about.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Got a few things accomplished today. I finally got the last post in the ground for the chicken coop that I'm building on the west side of the new barn-port. It's been something that I work on a little at a time when I get the chance. Now that the posts are in I can start to get the roof on. My friend "A" will try to spare a few hours for me this week and give me a hand. I'm not going to worry too much about walls until it gets closer to winter. But, I am gonna put up wire panels to keep the goats/dogs/horses out. The chickens that free-range in the pasture need a place of their own. Hopefully, they'll use it as a place to retreat and lay eggs where the stoooopid dog can't get to em and the horses and goats can't get to their feed.

DH did some mowing on the big rider. Bless his heart he's been fighting a sore ankle all weekend. Lasts weekend it was his knee... hmmmmm... beginning to see a trend here, lol!

The mosquito are horrendous...ugh. Hard to milk a goat when she's kicking at the skeeters the whole time. I've had to spray their legs with some Off just to hope they'll stand still long enough for me to get the milk in the bucket not all over the floor!

And... had to do my favorite chore again too. I've got two little baby bucks that had to be disbudded today. Again... I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate it! But at least it's done. I've got one young doeling that I'll probably do next weekend. She was just born Monday and she's been struggling with the heat so I'm gonna let her get a few more days of growing under her belt before I do her head.

Pretty soon I'll have to decide which of the little boys (if any) will get to stay intact, be sold, get wethered, go in the freezer....

Need to process some quail soon too. I want to have bare bones minimum before we go on vacation. I might just butcher all but a couple trios before we go. I could put some eggs in the incubator to hatch out a couple days after we get back and just start over with them then.

Some of the broody hens have had success. One has three, one has four and another had four, but I pulled one because it was limping. I put him/her with the 6 silkies that I hatched in the incubator. Praying for some pullets to fill in when the molt starts....

Geeze, no wonder I'm tired. I needa go to bed! So, I will....g'nite!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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We've worked two evenings this week on the new chicken digs that will be attached to the barn port. We've got the skeleton pretty much complete - just need a couple more 2 x 4's. Thought I had enough, but ehhhhh didn't. Won't be able to work on it again until the weekend, but we should be able to get the roof up then. After that I'll just close it in as time permits.

The babies are growing like crazy! There's one special little girl that is a total clown. She's so funny! This morning I went out in my robe to throw some food at the dogs and she got under my robe and wouldn't come out, lol. Everywhere I went - she went. She and the other babies play on the raised ramp that we have for them. She runs up down it and sounds like a real little human girl who screams when she's having fun! She bounces up and down and just squeals in delight. She is pure joy wrapped up in a fur coat.

Have the M-I-L and a great niece coming for a weekend visit. Niece hasn't been to the farm since she was a toddler and she's anxious to play with the critters. She's gonna love all the babies!

Other than that- not much going on.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Oh - I should have been more clear - it's a baby goat that I was talking about. She is tentatively named Taffy - but I'm seriously considering naming her "Joy"!

That's it - name changed!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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So, she's kinda named for me. Joy is my middle name. :D

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